Potential risks after the insertion procedure
Caution: Contact your doctor or nurse if you notice any swelling,
warmth, or drainage around your incision or if you develop a fever
while your incision is healing.
• As with any kind of surgery, there is the potential risk of infection.
• Tell your other doctors that you have a cardiac monitor. They may
choose to prescribe antibiotics for you to take before and after any
surgery to prevent infection.
Recovering after your procedure
As you recover, follow your doctor's suggestions about resuming
normal activities. You may see or feel a slight bulge under your skin
where the cardiac monitor is located.
When you are driving or riding in a vehicle, the seat belt strap that fits
over your shoulder may feel uncomfortable. You can place a soft towel
between the shoulder seat belt strap and your insertion site to cushion
the area during the first few weeks after the insertion procedure. In any
case, seat belts should be worn at all times.
16 English
Chapter 2