UndeRstAndIng And UsIng tHe FoUR IndePendent BRAkes
In deUs 3000 seRIes contRoLLed descent deVIces
Disk actuated drum
The control dial on
the DEUS 3000 Series
controlled descent
device is used to set
and control descent
speed using the integral
disk actuated drum
brake. The control dial
affects the braking force
applied by the disk
actuated drum brake
and the hands-free figure eight brake. The control
dial is marked with "go" and "stop" indicators. Turning
the control dial clockwise slows and then stops
descent. Turning the control dial counterclockwise
initiates descent and then increases descent speed.
The control dial can be turned and descent speed
adjusted before or during descent. Once set, the
control dial will maintain its position, which means
that DEUS 3000 Series controlled descent devices
work hands-free in both the "stop" and "go" modes.
This drawing shows how to use the control dial to
control the disk actuated drum brake.
The control dial is designed to require only two-
finger turning – it is not necessary or advised to
over-tighten control dial.
Centrifugal brake
The centrifugal brake located inside the control dial
of DEUS 3000 Series controlled descent devices is
always active and operates without involvement by
the user. Its role is to guard against free-fall. When
descent speed is slow, the centrifugal brake is not
engaged. As descent speed increases, the centrifugal
brake gradually applies braking force to limit descent
speed. Within the load limits of DEUS 3300 controlled
descent device, the centrifugal brake is designed
to limit descent speed to about 3 meters per
second. The DEUS 3700 controlled descent device is
designed to limit descent speed to less than 2 meters
per second.
Figure eight brake
The self-adjusting figure eight brake operates
automatically. The functional parts of the figure
eight brake are the two Euler posts, the sliding cam
and the anvil. The sliding cam automatically applies
tension to the free end of the rope to activate the
figure eight brake based on the load applied to the
It is possible to manually reduce the amount of
braking done by the figure eight brake during
descent to increase descent speed. This can be done
in two ways:
Center the sliding cam
During descent, the side of the sliding cam
nearest the loaded side of the rope will protrude
slightly from the frame of the DEUS 3000 Series
controlled descent device. Pressing on the
protruding end of the sliding cam will reduce
the tension applied by the sliding cam to the
free end of the rope. This decreases braking
done by the figure eight, which then increases
descent speed. Releasing the sliding cam will
automatically resume normal descent. In the
drawing below, figure A shows how to center
the sliding cam when using "escape" rigging.
Drawing B shows how to center the sliding cam
when using "rescue" rigging.