6.2 Charging the prosthesis battery
6.3 Display of the current charge level
6.3.1 Display of battery charge level without additional devices
The charge level cannot be displayed by turning the prosthesis over during the charging pro
Beep signal
5x short
4x short
3x short
2x short
1x short
6.3.2 Display of the current charge level using the Cockpit app
Once the cockpit app has been started, the current charge level is displayed in the bottom line of
the screen:
1) Connect the inductive charger to the receiver of the charging unit
on the rear of the product. The charger is held in place by a mag
→ The LED ring on the rear of the charger pulsates purple
(4-second cycle).
→ If the LED ring lights up in a different colour, this indicates an
error (see Page 87).
2) The charging process starts.
→ Once the product battery is fully charged, all LEDs on the side
of the battery charger light up.
3) After the charging process is complete, hold the prosthesis still and
remove the inductive charger from the receiver.
→ A self-test is performed. The joint is operational only after cor
responding feedback (see Page 90).
1) Turn the prosthesis by 180° (the sole of the foot must face up).
2) Hold still for 2 seconds and wait for beep signals.
38% – battery charge level of currently connected pros
Battery charge level
more than 80%
60% to 80%
40% to 60%
20% to 40%
less than 20%
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