5. Gas detection valve.
6. Piezoelectric ignition.
N. Gas regulation.
O. Gas injector.
P. Regulation nut.
Q. Minimum regulation screw.
R. Pressure regulation screw.
Category III
Machine 2 GR
1a 2H3+
(liquefied gas)
(town gas)
The machine is designed to be supplied by methane gas (G20),
which means that the gas injector (O) and the gas regulator (N)
are set for methane gas.
For GPL gas (G30 liquefied gas) or town gas operation, the
gas injector (O) needs to be replaced with the corresponding one
attached to the machine (see gas injector table).
Gas burner ignition must be carried out by holding the gas detec-
tion valve button pressed (5), to allow inflow of gas into the burner,
and by then operating the piezoelectric ignition button (6).
N.B. The detection valve button must remain pressed for a few
seconds in order for the thermocouple to start.
Adjust the airflow by means of the specially provided air regulation
nut (P); by turning it clockwise the flow decreases, by turning it anti-
clockwise the flow increases, so as to achieve a blue-coloured flame
(avoid high or too oxidising flames, which may damage the boiler).
Wait for the boiler to reach a 1.1÷1.3 bar operating pressure
and for the flame to be reduced to a minimum. Should you need
to set the gas regulator (N), proceed as follows: turn the minimum
regulation screw (Q) clockwise to lower the flame and turn it anti-
clockwise to increase the flame.
When water temperature drops below the minimum set values with
the machine running, the flame automatically switches back to the
maximum value.
To increase or decrease maximum boiler pressure, operate the
pressure regulation screw (R) clockwise to decrease the pressure
and anticlockwise to increase it.
The machine is provided with a gas supply tap complying with the
safety standards that, in the event of accidental flame extinction,
resulting from whatever reason, produces the automatic interrup-
tion of gas outflow. In this case, you need to repeat the ignition
operation as described above.
The machine may provide both for electrical and gas heating, or
else it can be independently heated either electrically or by gas.
When the machine is exclusively gas operated, you need to turn
the resistance boiler off operating on the switch (2).
Machine 3 GR
Once the hydraulic and electrical, connections have been comple-
ted, the machine can be started up.
Open the water system tap (A).
Close the protection switch (C).
Press the main power switch (1); the pilot light will be switched on.
The automatic level indicator will start filling the boiler with water
until it automatically reaches the prescribed level; the boiler water
level is automatically checked and the prescribed level will be
automatically refilled.
Caution! Regularly check the level of the water
contained in the boiler, which must not drop below the
MIN level of the level indicator (26); if necessary, top
up to restore the required level by pressing the boiler
water filling button. (22). Absence of water in the
boiler while the machine is running causes interruption
of the resistance,
Once the automatic water filling operation has been completed,
press the switch (2), to heat up the machine.
Caution! In the PUB 1-2 groups models and in the PUB
E models, the main power switch (1) activates the
heating element.
Then wait until the machine reaches the 1.1 ÷ 1.3 bar operating
pressure, by checking the boiler pressure on the pressure gauge (11).
If the machine is not equipped by an automatic boiler level control,
after having pressed the switch (1), press the manual boiler charge
push button (22) to charge the water in the boiler and keep it pres-
sed until the water level will be in a middle position between the
indication of MIN and MAX of the level indicator (26).
If the machine doesn't reach the indicated value, you will need to
set the pressure switch as explained in section 6.1.
Now check the pressure on the pump gauge (11), starting a unit with
the filter-holder inserted, filled with properly ground, dosed and pres-
sed coffee, so as to obtain the actual 8/9 bar operating pressure.
N.B. The models BART L - CAFÉ - PUB - PUB E - PUB P are not
equipped of the manometer to check the pressure of the pump
If you need to reset the pump pressure, you will need to follow the
directions listed in the section 6.2.
The machine is now ready to be used.
Caution! Absence of water in the boiler while the
machine is running causes interruption of the resistance,
which will have to be reset by an authorised Service
The machine with a basin built-in is provided with a safety device
controlling the amount of water contained in the basin itself; when
the water level reaches a capacity of approximately 0.5 litres, the
device automatically stops all the machine functions.
The orange warning light (17), located on the user side of the
panel (9), switches on to indicate that the water is missing in the
water tank. As it is filled up, the warning light switches off and the
machine is ready again to deliver coffee.
To ensure proper operation of the safety device, avoid placing cups
or other items on the tank lid (18).
During start-up:
when the boiler pressure gauge (11) shows a pressure of approxi-
mately 0.5 bar, open slowly the steam tap handle (13) by turning it
anticlockwise, to discharge the air contained in the boiler, and wait
until steam starts flowing out of the steam supply nozzle (12); then
close it. Wait until the machine reaches its operating pressure and
the required temperature balance, which will take 25/35 minutes
(and 10-15 minutes for the PUB E model).
Important! Do not open the hot water tap (4) before
the machine reaches the required 1.1 bar operating
pressure, which is displayed by the boiler pressure
control gauge (11).