Next, repeat with one full length pull in the right slot of Stage 1. (See Figure 4)
Note: Each time you insert the blade, simultaneously pull the blade toward you. Never push the
blade away from you. Apply just enough downward pressure to make contact with the disk –
added pressure does not speed up the sharpening process.
To insure uniform sharpening along the entire blade length, insert the blade near its bolster or
handle and pull it at a steady rate until it exits the slot. Always make an equal number of pulls
alternating one pull in the left slot and then one pull in the right slot in order to keep the edge
facets symmetrical. Generally in Stage 1 you will find that only 3 to 5 pairs of slow pulls is
adequate, but for a duller knife more pulls will be needed.
Before moving to Stage 2 it is very important to confirm that a burr (see Figure 5) exists along
one side of the edge. To check for the burr, move your forefinger carefully across the edge as
shown. (Do not move your finger along the edge – to avoid cutting your finger). If the last pull
was in the right slot, the burr will appear only on the right side of the blade (as you hold it when
sharpening) and vice versa. The burr, when present, feels like a rough and bent extension of the
edge; the opposite side of the edge feels very smooth by comparison.
If no burr exists, make one or two pairs of additional alternating pulls in the left and right slots of
Stage 1 before proceeding to Stage 2. Slower pulls will help you develop the burr. Confirm the
presence of the burr after a pull in the left slot and then also after a pull through the right slot
before proceeding to Stage 2. It is always necessary to create the burr in Stage 1 before
honing in Stage 2.
Figure 4. Inserting blade in right slot of Stage 1.
Figure 5. Develop a distinct burr along knife edge before
honing in stage 2. Burr can be detected by sliding finger
across and away from the edge. Caution! See text.