Cleaning and Loading
So as to guarantee the correct functioning of the machine during time
it is necessary to effect some operations periodically, some of which
are indispensable for the observance of the health standard norms.
These operations must be done with the machine open and switched
off. The cleaning operations must be effected before the loading of
the products. In order to guarantee normal operation, the machine must be
installed in areas that the environmental temperature is between a minimum
of +5°C and a maximum of +32°C end humidity of not over 65%. Must not
be installed in places where cleaning is done with water hoses (e.g. industrial,
civilian and similar kitchens).
Do not use water jets to clean the machine.
Remove and wash all the visible parts in the de-
livery area with a sanitizer* (see paragraph 4.5.3)
Empty the liquid deposit-collecting tank and
clean it with a sanitizer*
Empty the coffee grounds-collecting tank and
wash it with a sanitizer*
Remove all the containers and clean with a wet
cloth all the container resting surfaces, as well
as the bottom and the outside of the dispenser,
especially in the delivery area, then clean with
a sanitizer* (see paragraph 4.5.3).
Clean the touch selection screens and SAW
pushbutton panels with a wet cloth
*Use detergents suitable for specific use in the food industry, in accordance
with HACCP standards (as adopted by the company).
7.1.1 Periodic cleaning by the maintenance technician
First step: disposal of the waste inside the waste bins (used cups, stirrers,
paper, tissues etc).Once the waste has been disposed of it is possible to
clean the surrounding area.
elimination of the coarse dirt
disinfecting of the flooring and walls of the area surrounding the machine
up to a radius of 1 metre around the machine
once this is complete proceed with opening the machine.
7.1.2 Daily cleaning recommended
The objective is that to avoid the creation of bacteria in the food zone areas.
Refer to chapter 7.0 for details on cleaning operations.
Operate as follows:
clean all the visible parts in the dispensing area. (Fig. 7.1 e Fig. 7.2)
remove and clean carefully:
– funnels and powder chutes (Fig. 7.3-pos.1)
– water funnel (2), mixing bowls (3) whipper assembly (4)
– silicone water dispensing tubes.
– dispensing chamber (Fig. 7.4 - 7.5)
– coffee funnel and chute (Fig. 7.6)
Before effecting the re-assembly operations clean all the elements carefully.
– Clean the group of coffee powder residues; you must remove the ma-
chine's front panel (Figure 7.7) and remove the assembly from the seat
(Fig.7.8 - Fig. 7.9)
– Empty the liquid deposit-collecting tank and clean (Fig. 7.10 - 7.11).
– Empty the coffee spent grounds container (Fig. 7.12).
Weekly cleaning
Remove all the containers and clean with a wet cloth all the container support
parts, as well as the bottom of the machine and the outside of the machine,
in particular the dispensing area. (Fig. 7.1-7.2).
7.1.4 Product loading
When necessary provide for the loading of the products and/or consumption
materials of the automatic vending machine. For these operations please refer
to the operations described under chapter 4.6 (first installation).
7.2 Recommended maintenance
Overall inspection and
replacement of component
parts (where necessary) –
(boiler-solenoid valves-3-
way solenoid valve – cof-
fee assembly gaskets and
piston assembly – coffee
assemblies and piston as-
Lubrication of assembly
moving parts (if neces-
Replacing grinders and
grinder bearings
Checking and replacing
mixer gaskets (if neces-
Descaling soluble boil-
ers and boilers with heat
NB.: A sanitizing kit is available for preventive cleaning and maintenance of
the machine. The kit can be used to replace all the parts subject to inspec-
tion and maintenance, so as to allow cleaning and servicing operations and
reducing machine downtimes.
7.2.1 Ordinary and Extraordinary Maintenance
The operations described in this section are purely indicative as they are
tied to variable factors such as the water hardness, humidity, products
used and workload, etc.
Entrust the operations mentioned here below to qualified personnel.
If the operations require that the machine be switched on, entrust them to
specially trained personnel.
For more complicated interventions, such as removing the lime build-up in
the boilers a good knowledge of the equipment is necessary.
Monthly effect the debacterisation of all the parts in contact with food sub-
stances using detergents appropriate for the specific use in the food indus-
try, in accordance with HACCP standards following the operations already
described under chapter 4.5.3.
Moda machines are equipped with a (programmable) coffee-grounds de-
counter that signals and stops delivery due to the presence of ground coffee,
when the grounds-collecting tank is full.
When the set value is reached, the machine display shows a "coffee grounds
error" message; to reset the de-counter and erase the error, you need to
remove, empty and clean the grounds-collecting tank (7.12), reposition it in
the machine, press the service button for access to the maintenance menu
and then press the "coffee grounds refilling" button on the touch screen.
N.B. The grounds-collecting tank has a safety switch. If it is not positioned
correctly in its seat, the machine stops running.
Reset the machine every time you open the door or remove the tank.
7.2.3 Coffee group maintenance
Monthly extraction of the unit and thorough rinsing in hot water is recom-
The necessary requirement for this operation is that the coffee unit is in
idle position.
Then detach the pipe shown in Fig. 7.13, unscrew the knob A, rotate the
lever B (Fig. 7.8) and pull out the coffee group completely.
Every 10.000 vends and anyhow monthly, it is advisable to lubricate all the
mobile parts of the group, using silicone grease for alimentary use (Fig. 7.14):
– lower filter piston (1)
– connecting bar (2)
– piston guide (3)
It is advisable to check and replace, if necessary, the sealing gaskets and
filters every 10.000 vents:
– gaskets
– Loosen the screw (Fig. 7.15), wash the filter and replace if necessary.
– re-assemble everything in the inverse order.
Bianchi Industry guarantees the proper operation of its ma-
chine over time only with a preventive maintenance carried out
in compliance with the provisions listed below:
For all operations that require the disassembly of the machines'
components, make sure that the latter is switched off.
Coffee grounds-collection tank
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