tree/pole climbing gaffs that holds them up in the air. Tree/
pole climbing gaffs can come loose from the wood or an
improperly secured strap could fail at any time.
Talon climbers are meant to be used as an aid to climb on trees,
wooden poles and masts.
Names of parts, mentioned in the text and shown in fig. 1.
A: Leg iron shank
B: Height adjustment
C: Cuff
D: Calf straps adjustment slots
E: Calf straps
F: Calf pads
G: Gaff (long and short)
H: Gaff screws
I: Lower front strap
J: Lower rear strap
K: Lower strap height adjustment
L: Lower strap ring
M: Lower straps system (H, I, J and K)
N: Leg iron stirrup
Available spare parts with article numbers:
882970700060 Gaffs long (70 mm;
2¾ inch American tree gaff)
882960430060 Gaffs short (43 mm; 1¾ inch Pole gaff)
Lower straps system
Calf straps
Calf pads
Gaff gauge
888070000000 Screws
Optional parts with article numbers:
Optional rope ascender Right
Optional rope ascender Left
Torque wrench
General recommendation:
The following points have to be ensured to achieve optimal
function of the climber:
- Left and right climber differ!
The buckles and webbings of the upper and the lower fitting
system are always on the outer side!
The product needs to be fitted to user size, according to fig. 2
and description below.
- All webbing and Velcro of the calf straps and lower straps have
to be tightly closed during use. Minimum wrap location on
straps must be maintained at all times. Improperly secured
strap can lead to a fall and cause serious injury.
- Working or mountaineering boots with stiff sole shall be used.
Maximum user weight:
This product is designed for ascent, descent and working in
position under normal load. If additional weight is carried or
held by the user, the maximum total weight of 150 kg (330 lbs.)
must not be exceeded.
Size adjustment:
The length/height of the product needs to be adjusted before
initial use.
ATTENTION: each user will have to adjust the height of the cuff
to his/her own size. The screws that fix the position of the
upper cuff to the leg iron shank are behind the calf pads.