3.6 Sugar correction
For samples with high sugar content, sugar correction must be
applied to obtain correct results. High sugar content in samples lowers
the concentration of methanol in the headspace. As a result the Spark
M-30 will overestimate the methanol concentrations of such samples.*
Use one of the following approaches to counter this effect and obtain
accurate results:
1. Set the sugar content of the samples in the settings menu
(Settings → Advanced → Sugar correction). Measurement
results will be automatically corrected, and the correct
methanol and sugar concentration displayed in the result
2. Import results into the Spark M-30 Data Spreadsheet
(available on and manually input the sugar
content of your measured samples.
3. Apply formula provided below to correct results displayed by
the device yourselves. Note that this requires that
measurements were performed with a sugar content of 0 g/L
set in the settings menu.
* For instance, the detector will show 240 ppm instead of 200 ppm for a
sample with 0 vol% ethanol and a sugar content of 100 g/L.
: ℎ ,
: ℎ ℎ ℎ ,
: ℎ ℎ , %
: ℎ ,
∙ 0.0114 + 1
∙ 0.0114 +
∙ 1.95 + 1
Alivion Spark M-30