3.7 Warnings
The Alivion Spark M-30 continuously monitors the environment and
corrects the results for temperature and ambient air variations to
ensure accurate measurements.
If maximum accuracy cannot be guaranteed, the following warnings
will be displayed.
Calibration warning
A new calibration should be performed. Displayed if the
current calibration is older than 24 hours or if the
calibration temperature differs from the ambient
temperature by more than 5 °C, or when the last
calibration was performed with an active temperature or
contamination warning.
Temperature warning
The temperature is not constant. Make sure you are in a
temperature stable environment and wait for the device
to equilibrate.
Contamination warning
High background concentration in the ambient air.
Measurement accuracy is decreased at low methanol
concentrations. Remove solvents from the environment,
ventilate or switch location. After, the device can be
cleaned from impurities by starting a cleaning procedure
from the settings menu (see chapter 5 for details).
Performing calibrations and measurements with active
warning flags is discouraged since imprecise results must
be expected.
Alivion Spark M-30