4.9 Notes on the movement patterns
First step from a standing position with the leg wearing the product set back
Falling due to unexpected product behaviour because of changed damping behaviour.
Extending the knee joint and placing load on the toes may cause the product to switch to the
swing phase (no damping).
Always begin the first step from a standing position with the less affected leg.
Risk of falling when walking backwards
Falling due to unexpected product behaviour because of changed damping behaviour.
Extending the knee joint and placing load on the toes may cause the product to switch to the
swing phase (no damping).
When walking backwards, take smaller steps and put a consistent load on the foot in order
to prevent unintentional buckling due to switching to the swing phase.
Walking up stairs
Falling due to foot being placed incorrectly on stair as a result of changed damping behaviour.
Always use the handrail when walking up stairs and place most of the sole of your foot on
the stair surface.
Always step up with the less affected leg, followed by the leg with the product. Support from
the Spring Element while walking up stairs (bouncing with the product extended) is not
allowable and must be avoided. This type of load can cause the product to switch to the
swing phase (no damping).
Particular caution is required when carrying children up the stairs.
Walking down stairs with use of the Spring Element
Falling due to foot being placed incorrectly on stair as a result of changed damping behaviour.
Always use the handrail when walking down stairs and roll over the edge of the step with the
middle of the shoe.
Observe the warning/error signals (see Page 63).
Be aware that resistance in the flexion and extension direction can change in case of warn
ings and error signals.
Particular caution is required when carrying children down the stairs.
Walking down stairs with use of the Sensor Ankle
Falling due to foot being placed incorrectly on stair as a result of changed damping behaviour.
Always use the handrail when walking down stairs and place most of the sole of your foot on
the stair surface.
Observe the warning/error signals (see Page 63).
Be aware that resistance in the flexion and extension direction can change in case of warn
ing and error signals.
Particular caution is required when carrying children down the stairs.