Risk of falling when walking backwards
Falling due to unexpected product behaviour because of changed damping behaviour.
Extending the knee joint and placing load on the toes may cause the product to switch to the
swing phase (no damping).
When walking backwards, take smaller steps and put a consistent load on the foot in order
to prevent unintentional buckling due to switching to the swing phase.
This special mode has the characteristics of the basic mode with blocked knee joint.
With this mode, the patient is provided with a certain feeling of safety after the initial fitting since
the knee joint cannot be flexed but can be extended. The knee joint is blocked in the stance phase
since stance phase damping is set to maximum. Nevertheless, the swing phase is triggered when
To allow the user to sit down with the knee joint flexed, it is necessary to manually switch to basic
mode (1st mode) before sitting down (see Page 56).
In this mode it is not possible to descend stairs and ramps step over step.
STA mode (Stance function timer [*20ms])
High stance phase damping (STP Flexion Damping) is automatically activated during an extended
stance phase with the knee slightly flexed (knee angle approx. 5° to approx. 20°). This occurs
after the time 'Stance function timer [*20ms]' has elapsed.
INFORMATION: If this mode is not desired, it can be deactivated by the O&P professional
in the adjustment software.
Extended standing
Full damping of the product.
The standing movement pattern is possible.
The walking, walking up stairs, walking
down stairs, walking up a ramp and walk
ing down a ramp movement patterns are pos
sible subject to restrictions.