Switch to the impeller counter contacts display using the arrow
[RIGHT] key.
Bypass water
2 Accept
Enter a new quantity of water using the [F1] key only
in case of batch concentration error, see section
If this input is used incorrectly, the factory settings
can be restored using the reset function.
Use the arrow [LEFT] key to return to the "Bypass water
ON/OFF" menu.
Use the [Escape] key to return to the "Startup mode" menu.
Use the [F3] key to switch to the "Startup mode/Start?" menu.
Startup mode
Use the [Enter] key to start the startup mode (startup time approx.
13 minutes).
Startup mode can be cancelled at any time using the
[Escape] key.
The remaining time during which the system is in startup mode is
output on the display. The system switches off automatically at
the end of the startup time.
Startup mode
If the Startup mode is cancelled prematurely and
then restarted, the startup time commences again at
approx. 20 minutes.
Use the [Escape] key to return to the "Service mode" menu.
6.8.13 Test mode
The Test mode permits checking of current output, relay, display
and LEDs.
Current output
In the "Service mode" menu, switch to the "Test mode" menu
using the [F3] key.
In the "Test mode" menu, switch to "Test current output" using
the [F1] key.
Check the individual current outputs using the [F1] to [F3] keys.
Activate the current outputs using the [F1], [F2] and [F3] keys.
Deactivate using the [Escape] key, returning to the "Test
mode" menu.
Checking of relays for: NaClO
exhaust system, automatic/manual, error message, pre-empty
and dry-run.
Activate using the [F1] to [F3] keys, scrolling if necessary;
Deactivate by pressing the [F1] to [F3] keys again.
Use the [Escape] key to return to the "Test mode" menu.
In the "Test mode" menu, switch to the display test using the
[F3] key.
Set the contrast using the [UP] and [DOWN] keys.
Activate using the [Enter] key.
Deactivate using the [Enter] key (press 2x), or the [Escape]
Use the [Escape] key to return to the "Test mode" menu.
XX.X lmp./s
YYY l/h
pump, HCl pump, bypass,
In the "Test mode" menu, scroll using the arrow [RIGHT] and
[LEFT] keys, and switch over to the LED test using the [F1]
Activate using the [Enter] key.
Deactivate using the [Enter] or the [Escape] key.
Use the [Escape] key to return to the "Service mode" menu or
to the main menu.
6.9 Local/remote
The "local/remote" menu is only displayed, if a bus
system was selected in the "setup/Bus" menu.
Scroll with the arrow [RIGHT] key in the main menu.
Use the [F1] key to switch to the "local/remote" menu.
1 local control
2 remote control
Select control mode using the [F1] or [F2] key.
local control/remote control
Use the [Enter] or [Escape] key to return to the main menu.
Local control: operation and control of the system on site
Remote control: control of the system via a bus system.