-42- "Motor fault" on display A. Motor (25) en-
coder signal error.
The signal provided by the encoder built into the motor (25)
is used as a speed feedback signal to adjust the motor speed.
"Error 42" indicates that the signal provided by the en-
coder is not suited to the reference signal generated by the
panel board (48) and thus the motor (25) speed is out of
Perform the "wire feeder motor operation" tests in par.
-53- "Release start button" on display A. Start
button pressed at start-up or while reset-
ting from stop due to temperature beyond
limits or carter opened.
The temperature beyond limits and the wire feed unit
guard open alarms stop the power source, with a message
on the control panel of the corresponding alarm.
These alarms automatically reset when the temperature is
again within the allowed limits or the guard is closed.
It may occur that the unit resets when the start command
is present; therefore, to prevent the power source from
starting suddenly due to a random reset, this situation is
detected and causes a power source block, with the mes-
sage "Release start button" on display A.
To restore proper operation, remove the start command
(see par. 3.3.4).
3.4.10 -54- "Current not 0" on display A. Short-cir-
cuit between torch and workpiece upon
Upon power source start-up the control checks the
operating conditions by performing a brief test to generate
the open-circuit output voltage.
While this is taking place it is important that the torch not
touch the workpiece or welding bench.
The following conditions may be detected during this test:
− output voltage present and output current present =
error 54;
− output voltage present and output current absent =
correct operation;
− output voltage absent and output current present =
error 54;
− output voltage absent and output current absent =
error 10.
Error 54 indicates a possible short-circuit or isolation leak
in the power circuit at the output of the secondary diodes
group on power board (45).
Check the power wiring between VITE1 and VITE2 termi-
nals, polarity reverser (on art. 323) and power source C and
D output terminals.
If defective connections are found, fix and replace any
damaged components.
3.4.11 -56- Short-circuit at the output lasts too long.
It is normal to detect short-circuits at the output during
welding, as long as they do not last beyond a given inter-
"Error 56" indicates that the short-circuit has exceeded
this limit.
This situation may be caused by a short-circuit created be-
tween the contact tip and gas nozzle on the MIG torch due
to deposits of dirt or metal dust.
In any case, in addition to cleaning the torch, check:
− check the power wiring between VITE1 and VITE2
terminals, polarity reverser (on art. 323) and power source
C and D output terminals.
If you find defective connections, fix and replace any dam-
aged components.
If necessary, perform the tests for "open circuit operation",
par. 3.3.8 and "operation on resistive load", par. 3.3.9.
Replace the power (45) and/or panel (48).
3.4.12 -57- "Motor current high" on display A. Exces-
sive wire feeder motor (25) current.
The panel board (48) is equipped with a supply current
limiting circuit for motor (25), to protect it over any over-
load and a circuit that detects when the limiter is continu-
ously tripped, indicating a permanent overload.
This overload is primarily due to mechanical causes, such
as dirt in the gears of the gearmotor, friction from a lack of
lubrication, impediments in feeding the wire coil, bottle-
necks in the torch sheath along the torch cable, etc.
Therefore, clean the wire feed unit and check whether the
problem continues to occur if operating without the wire
If so, you may hypothesize that the motor winding or me-
chanical reducer built into the motor have deteriorated and
thus replace the motor (25).
If necessary, perform the "wire feeder motor operation"
tests in par. 3.3.7.
3.4.13 -58- Firmware versions alignment or program-
ming error.
This alarm indicates that the programs in the INV board
on power board (45) and panel board (48) are in incompat-
ible versions between them.
This may occur, for example, after replacing one of the
two boards, power (45) or panel (48), without successive
welding system reprogramming or for a firmware updating
error or for a board failure.
Perform power source firmware updating with the last
available version (see par. 2.4).