Using DaVinci Resolve
OFX plugins are a quick and easy way to create imaginative
and interesting looks.
The 'deliver' page is where you export your edit. You can
select from many different video formats and codecs.
After adding your render settings to the render queue, click
the 'start render' button to export your edit.
Using Plugins
While making secondary color corrections you can also add OpenFX plugins to create fast, interesting
looks and effects using the color page, or imaginative transitions and effects on your clips on the
edit page. OFX plugins can be purchased and downloaded from third party suppliers.
After installing a set of plugins, you can access them on the color page by opening the OpenFX
panel next to the timeline viewer. Simply click on the 'OFX plugins' icon to open the OpenFX panel,
create a new serial node and drag and drop a plugin onto the new node. If the plugin has editable
settings, you can adjust these in the adjoining 'settings' panel.
In the edit page you can add plugin generators and transitions to clips by opening the 'openFX' panel
in the 'effects library' and dragging your selected plugin onto your clip on the timeline.
Mastering your Edit
So now you've edited, color corrected and graded your clips you'll want to export a render of your edit
in the 'deliver' page. This page lets you select the range of clips you want to export, plus the format,
codec and resolution you want. You can export in many types of formats such as QuickTime, AVI, MXF
and DPX using codecs such as 8-bit or 10-bit uncompressed RGB/YUV, ProRes, DNxHD, H.264 and more.
To export a single clip of your edit:
Step 1.
Click on the 'deliver' tab to open the deliver page.
Step 2.
Go to the 'render settings' window on the top left of the page. In the 'video' settings,
select 'single clip'. Choose a video format and codec, and resolution. The frame rate will
usually be locked to the project settings frame rate. If you want to include audio with your
export, tick the 'export audio' checkbox in the 'audio' settings.
Step 3.
In the 'file' settings, select 'use custom filename'. Name your export, then choose your
destination by clicking the 'browse' button and selecting a folder location. Click 'ok'.
Step 4.
You'll see the deliver timeline stretched across the bottom of the page. Click on the scroll
bar underneath your clips and drag it to the start of your edit. Right click on the first clip
and select 'mark in' from the dialog box. Now drag the scroll bar across to the end of your
edit and right click on the last clip. Select 'mark out'.
Step 5.
Go back to your 'render settings' and click on the 'add job to render queue' button. Your
render settings will be added to the render queue on the right side of the page. Now all you
have to do is click 'start render' and monitor the progress of your render in the render queue.
When your render is complete you can open the folder location, double click on your new rendered
clip and watch your finished edit.