Manufacturers must assure that the
exhaust system, when installed on a
motorcycle, and both the motorcycle and
exhaust system are properly maintained, will
not allow noise emissions exceeding the
levels specified in the "acoustical assurance
period" of 40 CFR 205, Subpart E for a
period od 1 year or 6,000 Kilometers (3728
Derbi Warrants that this exhaust system at
the time of sale meets all applicable U.S.
EPA Federal noise standards. This warranty
extends to the first person who buys this
exhaust system for purposes other than resa-
le. And to all subsequent buyers Warranty
claims should be directed to: (Manufacturer
or distributor in the U.S. - name and address)
Tampering whit Noise Control Prohibited
Federal law prohibits the following acts or
causing thereof:
(1) The removal or rendering inoperative by
any person other than for purposes of
maintenance repair or replacement of
any device or element of design incorpo-
rated into any new vehicle for the purpo-
se of while it is user or
(2) The use of the vehicle after such device
or element of designs has been removed
or rendered inoperative by any person.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Among those acts presumed to constitute
tempering are the acts listed below:
(1) Removal of or puncturing the muffler baf-
fles header pipes or any other component
which conducts exhaust gases.
(2) Removal or puncturing of any part of the
intake system.
(3) Lack of proper maintenance.
(4) Replacing any moving part of the vehicle
or parts of the exhaust or intake system,
with parts other than those specified by
the manufacturer.
This should be checked for repair or repla-
cement if the motorcycle noise has increased
significantly through use. Otherwise the
owner may become subject to penalties
under state and local ordinances.
Unless all noise control related items are
maintenance-free. The manufacturer must
provide the purchaser with written instruc-
tions (In the Owner's Manual) for the proper
maintenance of the motorcycle necessary to
provide reasonable assurance of the elimina-
tion or minimization of noise emission degra-
dation throughout life of the vehicle.
NOTE: If all noise control related items are
maintenance-free, no instructions need de
provided. However, for the example if a muf-
fler requires periodic replacement of absorpti-
ve material (packing) then the purchaser
must be given sufficient instructions to enable
him or her perform this operation.
WICHTIG (nur für
Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter
Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die
Fahrzeugident-Nr. Ihres Fahrzeuges mit
jener der Betriebserlaubnis
übereinstimmt. Um Ihr Fahrzeug
rechtmäßig zum Verkehr zuzulassen,
benötigen Sie unbedingt die
Betriebserlaubnis. Die alleinige
Vorlage des Versicherungsnachweises
ist unzureichend.