FE Connect Mobile Application
S S u u r r f f a a c c e e A A p p p p l l i i c c a a t t i i o o n n S S y y s s t t e e m m R R e e s s p p o o n n s s e e S S e e t t t t i i n n g g s s
The FE Connect app provides the option to refine system response beyond the S S l l o o w w , M M e e d d i i u u m m , and F F a a s s t t choices provided by
the DIP switches.
1. If pressure regulation performance is not acceptable using one of the pre-config-
ured settings, use the FE Connect app to configure a C C u u s s t t o o m m system response.
2. Test the Proportional Gain value by opening the shut-off valve after the pressure
sensor and monitor the initial pressure.
If the initial pressure is +/-15% of the setpoint pressure, the P value is good.
If the initial pressure is less than 15% of the setpoint pressure, increase the P
If the initial pressure is more than 15% of the setpoint pressure, decrease the P
3. Test the Integration Time (I) value by opening the shut-off valve after the pres-
sure sensor and monitoring the stabilizing pressure.
If the pressure stabilizes within 10 seconds, the I value is good.
If the pressure stabilizes after 10 seconds, reduce the I value. If the minimum I value is reached, reduce the frequency
4. Test the Ramp Rate (R) value by opening the shut-off valve after the pressure sensor, wait for the system to stabilize, and
then close the shut-off valve to monitor the shut-off time.
If the shut-off time is less than 60 seconds, the R value is good.
If the shut-off time is more than 60 seconds, increase the R value. If the maximum R value is reached, increase the mini-
mum frequency.
5. Make sure the system can regulate on minimum flow by closing all faucets except the one with the least flow and open the
shut-off valve after the pressure sensor. Verify that the system reaches initial pressure within 10psi, stabilizes within 10 seconds,
and shuts off within 60 seconds.
U U n n d d e e r r l l o o a a d d
These settings replace the Underload potentiometer when using the FE Connect mobile app for setup. In
addition, the app provides more detailed control of the feature.
Underload, Off Time
Prime Delay (Surface applications only): Selectable from 0 to 5 minutes.
Refer to
"Underload Sensitivity" on page 34
D D u u p p l l e e x x A A l l t t e e r r n n a a t t o o r r
C C o o n n f f i i g g u u r r a a t t i i o o n n : : Enables the duplex feature and sets the identity of each drive in the network.
Standalone (drives will operate independently)
Pump 1
Pump 2
S S w w i i t t c c h h i i n n g g I I n n t t e e r r v v a a l l : : Sets the run time (hours) before the lead and lag roles alternate. The Pump 1 drive
setting controls the entire system.
1 to 24 hours
Default = 1 hour
Refer to
"Duplex Alternator Feature" on page 41
A A d d v v a a n n c c e e d d O O p p t t i i o o n n s s
P P r r e e s s s s u u r r e e B B u u m m p p M M o o d d e e : : Controls how hard the drive will pump just before stopping the motor when the
pressure setpoint is reached.
for more information.
for more information.