Date and time menu
Access the menu used to set the date, time and format.
Data security
Access the menu used to change the PIN and enable/disable it.
Access the menu for tympanometry settings. Allows selecting the pressure range
used to conduct the test: Standard [-400; +200] daPa or Reduced [-200; +100]
daPa. Default value: Standard.
Acoustic reflex
Access the menu for the Acoustic Reflex test settings.
Frequency selection: the available stimulus frequencies can be selected
individually: 0.5 kHz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz. Default value: all
frequencies enabled.
Test mode: sets the mode in which the test is conducted, namely fixed
intensity or threshold search. Default value: threshold search.
Test configuration:
Reflex sensitivity: sensitivity with which identification of the reflex
(variation of compliance) occurs, normal (0.04 ml) or strong (0.06 ml).
Default value: normal (0.04 ml).
Data polarity: sets the method for representing data in the chart:
negative polarity (decrease in compliance caused by the reflex is
represented with a deflection of the reflex curve), positive polarity
(decrease in compliance caused by the reflex is represented with an
increase in the curve). Default value: negative.
Pure Tone Audiometry
Access the menu for the Audiometric test settings:
Frequency selection: selection of stimulus frequencies in the range 125
Hz – 8 kHz. The value 1kHz cannot be unselected. Default value: all
frequencies enabled.
Stimulus mode: sets the stimulation mode, allowing the user to choose
between continuous stimulation or pulsed 1 Hz stimulation. Default
value: continuous.
Select the level of the stimulus in dB HL (in fixed intensity
mode). Default value: 90 dB HL
Selection of the initial and final level, selection of the variation
rate in steps of 5 or 10 dB. Default value: 75-95 dB, 5 dB steps.