Mode 3L
see Fig. 03B.
This function is particularly well-suited for welding alu-
The HSA and CRA functions are inhibited when mode 3L
is activated.
Three welding currents can be selected using the torch
The current and the connection time values are set as
First current level. Adjustable from 10 to 200% of set
welding current, see fig. 17 - 18.
Duration of first ramp. Defines the connection time
between first current level and welding current.
Possibility of adjusting from 0 to 10 seconds, see fig. 19
- 20.
Duration of final ramp. Defines the connection time
between welding current and crater current
(Crater filling at the end of welding). Possibility of adju-
sting from 0 to 10 seconds, see fig. 21 - 22.
Crater current level. Adjustable from 10% to 100% of
set welding current, see fig. 23 - 24.
Welding starts at the torch trigger pressure.
The current called up will be the first current level.
This current is maintained as long as the welding torch
trigger is held down;
When the welding torch trigger is released this current
connects to the welding current, which is maintained till
the welding torch trigger is pressed again.
When the torch trigger is pressed again, the welding
current will connect to the crater current and it will be
maintained until the torch trigger is released.
SPOTmode see Fig. 25 – 25A.
The operator can choose between Spot time and inter-
mittent function.
This function is blocked when function 3L is activated.
TSpot time.
Option of adjusting from 0.3 to 25 seconds, see fig. 26
- 27.
Intermittent function time.
Option of adjusting from 0 to 5 seconds, see fig. 28 - 29.
This is the pause time between one welding spot or sec-
tion and the next.
Key showing mode 2T with spot function ac-
Key showing mode 2T with spot and inter-
mittent functions active
Key showing mode 4T with spot function ac-
Key showing mode 4T with spot and inter-
mittent functions active
Press the key and the display allows you to
start the function, see fig. 30 - 31.
Active in synergic MIG/MAG processes only.
This type of welding modulates current intensity between
two levels.
Before setting two-level welding, make a short bead to
determine the wire speed and hence the current to obtain
the optimum bead penetration and width for the type of
weld to be performed.
In this way the wire feed speed (and hence the corre-
sponding current) is determined; the metres per minute
that will be set will be added to or subtracted from this
Before start working you should not forget that for a cor-
rect bead, the minimum overlap between one mesh and
another must be 50%.
0.1 HZ
0.1 M/MIN
Double level frequency.
Frequency is the number of periods per second expres-
sed in Hertz.
Period means the alternation between high and low
The welder uses low speed, which does not penetrate,
to switch from one mesh to the next; High speed, corre-
sponding to maximum current, is the speed that penetra-
tes and implements the mesh. The operator will stop to
implement the mesh.
Speed difference/Pulse step
This is the amplitude of the speed change in m/min.
The speed change determines whether the m/min is ad-
ded to or subtracted from the reference speed described
All other parameters being equal, when the number incre-
ases the mesh becomes wider and penetration is deeper.
Duty cycle. Double level Time.
This is double-level time expressed as a percentage:
the highest speed/current time for the period duration.
All other parameters being equal, it determines the mesh
diameter and therefore the penetration.
5.0 HZ
1.5 HZ
3.0 M/MIN
1.0 M/MIN