The sizing of the By-PASS is up to the installer; it is in any case recommended to include a calibration valve to balance the system.
Pump set up with the V3V accessory
The units in heat pumps, with Pump P1-P2-PI1-PI2 set up (single electropump), can be supplied with a factory-fitted 3-way diverter valve. This way it is
possible to manage the production of domestic hot water without the addition of external valves.
Safety valve calibration of channelled water
Heat exchanger water content
Expansion tank capacity
Expansion tank pre-load
Expansion tank maximum pressure
Water tank content ASP1/ASP2 ASPI1/ASPI2
Minimum water flow (intervention differential water)
The expansion tank on the machine has limited capacity to protect the hydraulic circuit inside the machine. It is the installer's duty to size and install an
Enfriadoras de agua y bombas de calor reversibles en el circuito frigorifico con condensacion por agua y fluido refrigerante r410a, serie con compresores herméticos scroll (50 páginas)