Pump activation and deactivation delay times
Delay time
Follow-up time
Operating mode
Operating mode of the switchgear
Operating mode of the pump
Limit values
Switchgear data
Controller type; ID number; software/fi rmware
Operating hours
Operating hours of pump 1
Operating hours of pump 2
Operating hours of pump 3
Operating hours of pump 4
Switching cycles
Switching cycles of pump 1
Switching cycles of pump 2
Switching cycles of pump 3
Switching cycles of pump 4
Communication parameters
Output parameters
SBM parameter
SSM parameter
GSM Modem
Dry run
Switching threshold for dry run signal.
Delay time (restart after dry run)
Follow-up time in event of dry run
High water
Switching threshold for high water signal
Delay time (up to triggering of high water)
Base-load pump: Activation threshold
Base-load pump: Deactivation threshold
Base-load pump: Delay time deactivation
Peak-load pump 1: Activation threshold
Peak-load pump 2: Activation threshold
Peak-load pump 3: Activation threshold
Peak-load pump: Delay time activation
Peak-load pump 1: Deactivation threshold
Peak-load pump 2: Deactivation threshold
Peak-load pump 3: Deactivation threshold
Peak-load pump: Delay time deactivation