2.1 Instantaneous speed
The speed is always displayed with digits
10 -12 (fi g. 1 and fi g. 2).
If the selected unit of measurement is Km/h
(default unit), the relevant logo is displa-
yed; using the push-button and accessing
the Set-up menu, it is possible to change
the unit of measurement to mph (fi g. 2).
The value displayed is updated every
0.5 seconds.
2.2. Total distance (TOTAL)
The total distance is displayed in the upper
left corner (digits 1-5) and is accompanied
by the word TOTAL, as shown in fi g. 3.
The datum is stored permanently in a non
volatile memory (E 2 prom refresh after
every Km).
If no data is stored in the memory, the
number 00000 is displayed.
The information is always calculated
in Km, but when displayed it may be
expressed in Km (the default value) or
in miles.
The unit of measurement can be changed
from the Set-Up Menu.
It is not possible to reset such information
during conditions of normal use of the
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4