6. Commissioning
Determining the load weight and centre of gravity: The
carrying capacity (WLL) of the chain sling must not be
exceeded. Hook unused chain legs to the suspension
Only entrust sufficiently trained and qualified personnel
in accordance with the relevant applicable requirements
and guidelines with the use of chain slings.
The following information should support users in the
preparation and execution of lifting procedures. They
are by no means exhaustive and do not supersede the
training for Riggers. In this regard, reference is also
made to ISO 12480-1 and to DGUV Information for
riggers 209-013, BetrSV and further applicable
regulations, also with respect to the respective market
of the country.
NOTICE: Prior to beginning the lifting
procedure make sure that the load is freely
movable and not anchored or otherwise
NOTICE: It is important the weight of the
load to be lifted being known. If it is not
specified, information can be taken from
the freight documents, manuals, plans etc.
In case no information is available, the
mass is to be estimated by means of
calculation, if possible.
NOTICE: To prevent the load from swinging
dangerously and to keep it in position when
setting it down, it is recommended to use a
holding rope.
CAUTION: When attaching the chain make
certain that hands and other body parts of
users are kept away from the chain to
prevent injuries.
Lift the load only slightly to check whether
it is securely fastened and remains in the
intended position.
Chain slings 11/2019 / Subject to change!
CAUTION: Prepare the place where the load
is to be set down. The surface must be
sufficiently capable of carrying loads in
order to withstand the weight of the load.
In case of necessity y-take care, that no
hollow spaces or pipelines are damaged.
It is important to have sufficient access
and free space around the place where the
load is to be set down. No one is allowed
to stand in the area. It may be necessary to
have timbers or similar material at hand to
maintain the stability of the load that has
been set down or to protect the surface or
the load.
CAUTION: Set the load down carefully.
Do not jam the chain sling under the load,
since this could damage the chain sling.
Before loosening the chain, check whether
the load is positioned correctly and stably.
This is particularly important when there
are multiple loose parts in the basket hitch
or choker hitch. After setting down the load
remove the chain sling by hand. The chain
sling must not be pulled out with the hoist
because it can get caught and the load
could fall. Do not roll the load over the
chain sling as this can damage the chain
7. Protective measures to be taken
by the user
DANGER: Wear gloves when attaching or during the
lifting procedure. When using the chain sling under
conditions with usage restrictions it is imperative to
observe the specified reduction factors for the carrying
capacity to ensure sufficient security.
DANGER: Also, safety helmet, safety shoes and safety
glasses are generally required in order to avoid injuries.