Normal Operation
Product operating in right rotation mode:
Activate the knob for speed control 2.
The speed of the product 1 is continuously regulated pursuant to the
attachment utilized.
Product operating in left rotation mode:
Press the knob for left rotation 11 completely in and keep it depressed.
Activate the knob for speed control 2.
The speed of the product 1 is continuously regulated pursuant to the
attachment utilized.
Tapping Operation or Oscillating Operation
Activate tapping operation or oscillating operation:
Keep the knob for left rotation 11 pressed for 3 seconds.
There will be multiple signal tones.
Tapping operation:
Depress the speed control knob 2 up to a maximum of half-way.
Product 1 will gradually turn counterclockwise and clockwise, whereby
the rotational angle in the clockwise direction is greater than that of
the counterclockwise direction.
Oscillating operation:
Press the knob for speed control 2 in all the way.
Product 1 will rotate clockwise and counterclockwise in alternation.
To activate left rotation:
Press the speed control knob 2 in addition to the knob for left
rotation 11.
The product 1 will rotate counterclockwise.
Deactivate tapping operation or oscillating operation:
Keep the knob for left rotation 11 pressed for 3 seconds.
There will be multiple signal tones.
Validated reprocessing procedure
General safety notes
Adhere to national statutory regulations, national and international stan-
dards and directives, and local, clinical hygiene instructions for reprocess-
For patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), suspected CJD, or possi-
ble variants of CJD, observe the relevant national regulations concerning
the reprocessing of products.
Mechanical reprocessing should be favored over manual cleaning as it gives
better and more reliable results.
It should be noted that successful reprocessing of this medical device can
only be guaranteed following prior validation of the reprocessing method.
The operator/reprocessing technician is responsible for this.
The recommended chemistry was used for validation.
If there is no final sterilization, then a virucidal disinfectant must be used.
For up-to-date information about reprocessing and material compatibility,
see also the Aesculap Extranet at https://extranet.bbraun.com
The validated steam sterilization procedure was carried out in the Aesculap
sterile container system.
General information
Dried or affixed surgical residues can make cleaning more difficult or inef-
fective and lead to corrosion. Therefore the time interval between applica-
tion and processing should not exceed 6 h; also, neither fixating pre-
cleaning temperatures >45 °C nor fixating disinfecting agents (active
ingredient: aldehydes/alcohols) should be used.
Excessive neutralizing agents or basic cleaners may result in a chemical
attack and/or fading and the laser marking becoming unreadable either
visually or by machine.
On stainless steel, residues containing chlorine or chloride (such as surgi-
cal residues, drugs, saline solutions in water for cleaning, disinfection and
sterilization) may lead to corrosion (pitting corrosion, tensile corrosion)
and thus to the destruction of the product. These must be removed by rins-
ing thoroughly with demineralized water and then drying.
Perform additional drying, if necessary.
Only process chemicals that have been tested and approved (e.g. VAH or
FDA approval or CE mark) and which are compatible with the product's
materials according to the chemical manufacturers' recommendations
may be used for processing the product. All the chemical manufacturer's
application specifications must be strictly observed. Failure to do so can
result in the following problems:
Visual material changes (such as fading or color changes in titanium or
aluminum). For aluminum, the application/process solution only needs
to be pH >8 to cause visible surface changes.
Material damage (such as corrosion, cracks, breaks, premature aging or
Do not use metal cleaning brushes or other abrasives that would dam-
age the product surface and could cause corrosion
For further detailed information on hygienically safe and material-pre-
serving/value-preserving reprocessing, see www.a-k-i.org, link to Pub-
lications, Red Brochure – Proper maintenance of instruments.