Sunshine mode
The charging power is dependent on the excess
energy from the photovoltaic system. Solar energy
exclusively is used for charging. The charging pro-
cess starts if there is a sufficient amount of energy
available to charge the vehicle at 6 A per phase.
Sunshine+ mode
The charging power is dependent on the excess
energy from the photovoltaic system. Regardless of
how much current the photovoltaic system is feed-
ing at the time, the vehicle is provided with min-
imum charging current at all times (if necessary
through mains power). The minimum charging cur-
rent (standard: 6 A per phase) can be adjusted us-
ing the configuration tool (a qualified electrician is
Min. excess energy for solar charging
Solar charging starts at 1.4 kW of excess energy
and this can be raised to a max. of 7.4 kW.