the ring nut adjuster to align with the arrow.
● Fill the Fuel Tank
Refuel when the fuel alarm light
on the instrument is on.
When refueling, first open the
dust cap ① of the fuel tank cap,
then insert the fuel tank key and
rotate it clockwise, and the fuel tank cap can be
opened together with the key. To close the fuel tank
cap after refueling, please align the fuel tank cap
guide pin and press it down to close the fuel tank
cap until the key is removed when the lock sound is
heard, and then close the fuel tank cap dust cap.
The fuel tank must
recommendation is
90% of the total fuel
Please do not exceed the specified position of the
upper limit of refueling as shown in the figure, and do
not splash the fuel on the hot engine, otherwise it will
cause abnormal operation of the motorcycle or bring
dangerous accidents.
When refueling, turn off the engine and turn the
ignition key to the " " (off) position.
Don't forget to lock the fuel tank cap after refueling to
prevent excessive evaporation of fuel into the
atmosphere, which not only wastes energy, but also
pollutes the environment.
Fireworks are strictly prohibited during refueling.
Oil filler
Specified position
for refueling upper
Schematic diagram
of the fuel tank