Row 1/2/3
For Payload Type 20 test case
RES (Column 15): The Reserved (RES) bytes are configurable from 00
to FF. The default value for each byte is 00.
RES and JC (Column 16):
RES: The Reserved (RES) bits 1-6 are configurable from binary 000000
to 111111. The default value for each byte is 000000.
JC: The Justification Control bits 7-8 are configurable from binary 00 to
11. Not available with ODU mux. The default value for each JC is 00.
Changing the JC values will corrupt the payload.
For Payload Type 21 test case
JC1 to JC3 (Column 16): Displays the justification control bytes
carrying the GMP Cm value.
JC4 to JC6 (Column 15): Displays the justification control bytes
carrying the GMP CnD value.
Row 4
PSI (Column 15): The Payload Structure Identifier is only configurable
from Payload Type on page 197. The PSI byte is not displayed.
For Payload Type 20 test case
NJO (Column 16): The Negative Justification Opportunity byte is not
For Payload Type 21 test case
RES (Column 16): The Reserved (RES) byte is for future international
SONET/SDH Application
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