J2 Trace
Received Message: Displays the J2 value in 16-bytes or 64-bytes
format. The <crc7> represents the CRC-7 for a 16-bytes format. The
last two bytes of a 64-bytes format, <C
> and <L
>, represent
respectively a carriage return and a line feed.
Enable TIM-V (Trace Identifier Mismatch - VT): Allows enabling the
Trace Identifier Mismatch for the expected message defined. The
Enable TIM-V check box has to be selected to give access to the
expected trace format and message. When the Enable TIM-V check
box is cleared, the J2 1-byte is available from the LOP OH RX on
page 266.
Expected Message: Allows entering the message that is expected. J2
value should be ASCII suitable characters. The default message is
EXFO SONET/SDH for 16 bytes and EXFO SONET/SDH Analyzer high
order path trace test message for 64 bytes. However, with VCAT/LCAS
the default message will be EXFO followed by the VCG number (VCAT
and LCAS) and the SQ (VCAT only) number (for example
EXFO-VCG1-SQ0) for both 16 and 64 bytes formats.
Expected Format: Allows the selection of the format expected.
Choices are 16 or 64 bytes. The default setting is 16 bytes.
SONET/SDH Application