DSn Tabs
Amount: Select the amount of codeword to be generated. Choices are
1 through 15. The default setting is 10.
Send button: Press Send to manually generate error(s) according to
the Codeword and the Amount of Errors selected.
On/Off button: The On/Off button is used to activate/deactivate the
transmission of the selected continuous codeword continuously. This
setting is disabled (Off) by default.
Loopback Commands
Control Codeword: Select the loopack control codeword to be
generated. Choices are Line Loopback Activate (00001110) and Line
Loopback Deactivate (00111000).
Amount: Select the amount of Control Codeword to be generated.
Choices are 1 through 15. The default setting is 10.
SONET/SDH Application