Electrical Specifications
Operating Current
14 . 0 Amps
14 . 0 Amps
3 . 0 Amps
Mechanical Specifications
US Measure
Flow Rate
2000 GPM
250 PSI
40 . 7 Lbs
Tools Required
• Wrench for flange mounting bolts
Safety Symbols
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury
Address practices not related to personal injury
Product Warnings, Cautions and Notices
Charge the unit slowly . Rapid charging may cause a pressure surge that has the potential to cause an injury,
or damage the monitor .
Do not stow or deploy the monitor while flowing . Pressing the Stow or Deploy buttons causes the nozzle to
move automatically and the water stream may cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel .
Aim the unit in a safe direction before pumping water through it, e . g . , away from power lines .
Do not use the electric controls when the manual override cranks are being used or are in position for use .
Make the connection of the vehicle and auxiliary battery the final step .
Do not exceed the maximum pressure or flow ratings of the monitor . Exceeding these ratings may lead to an
injury or may cause damage to the monitor .
Do not install shutoffs on the outlet of the monitor . Shutoffs increase the potential for pressure surges
due to water hammer, which have the potential to cause an injury or damage the monitor .
(11-14 Volts DC)
Operating Current
3 . 0 -10 . 0 Amps
3 . 0 -10 . 0 Amps
3 . 0 Amps
Metric Measure
7600 LPM
17 Bar
18 . 5 kg
(22-28 Volts DC)
Operating Current
Operating Current
7 . 5 Amps
2 . 0 -5 . 0 Amps
7 . 5 Amps
2 . 0 -5 . 0 Amps
1 . 5 Amps
1 . 5 Amps
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