Stuck Key
Display Communication
Low Battery Error
Wireless Radio Error
Intermittent Power Fault
Communication Loss
Display Unresponsive
Slow To Rise
Lift Drifts Down
Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) (Inside Control Panel)
Each transceiver has 3 green LED's near the serial port labeled (RSSI). When operating, these LED's should all be on. If they are not
all on this indicates a poor signal do to a transceiver failure or antenna/ antenna cable problem.
A stuck keypad button or motion push button has been detected on startup, or a motion push
button has been held on for longer than 2-1/2 minutes.
Communication lost between display board and control board inside control cabinet. Check
cable connections.
Batteries reached critical level. Check battery charge.
An error has occurred when attempting to communicate to the column's wireless radio.
Ensure the radio modem board is powered "ON" cable(s) between the control and modem
board have strong connections, and the wireless module is fully seated into modem board.
Power to the control board has become inconsistent. Check the fuses and other power
connections to the control board are strong.
Communication between columns has been lost temporarily during operation. Re-try
operation after release of button.
Turn off power and check wire connections on the display board for the keypad, the push
buttons, and the control board. Restart power and test.
Overloaded, check battery and connections, dirt, debris, in oil system.
Dirt, Debris, in oil system.