GFCI Failure - Clock error - M036
Only in North America. Call the technical service.
A Pump Appears to be Stuck ON – M034
Water may be overheated. POWER DOWN THE SPA. DO NOT ENTER THE WATER. Call the technical service.
A Pump Appears to have been Stuck ON when spa was last powered – M035
Contact your dealer or technical service.
* This message can be reset from the topside panel with any button press.
The water level is too low.
If your system incorporates a level sensor, this message tells you that the water level is too low.
General maintenance helps.
Reminder Messages can be suppressed by using the PREF Menu. See Page 11.
Reminder Messages can be chosen individually by the Manufacturer. They may be disabled entirely, or there may be a limited number of reminders
on a specifi c model.
The frequency of each reminder (i.e. 7 days) can be specifi ed by the Manufacturer.
Press a Temperature button to reset a displayed reminder message.
every 7 days
Alternates with temperature or normal display.
Check pH with a test kit and adjust pH with the appropriate chemicals.
every 7 days
Alternates with temperature or normal display.
Check sanitizer level and other water chemistry with a test kit and adjust with the appropriate chemicals.
every 30 days
It alternates with temperature or normal menus.
Clean the fi lter according to the manufacturer's instructions.
every 30 days
Alternates with temperature or normal display.
The Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Device (RCD) is an important safety device and must be tested on a regular basis to
verify its reliability.
Every user should be trained to safely test the GFCI or RCD associated with the hot tub installation.
A GFCI or RCD will have a TEST and RESET button on it that allows a user to verify proper function.
If freezing conditions exist, a GFCI or RCD should be reset immediately or spa damage could result.
The end user should always trained to test and reset the GFCI or RCD on a regular basis.
every 90 days
Alternates with temperature or normal display.
Change the water in the spa on regular basis to maintain proper chemical balance and sanitary conditions.
every 180 days
Alternates with temperature or normal display.
Vinyl covers should be cleaned and conditioned for maximum life.