Function test
Test the function of the device before each use and
every time after treating.
Only parts of the device that are in perfect condition
guarantee the functionality of the ultrasonic
nebuliser. Therefore, the device parts must be
thoroughly checked and inspected every time before
Inspect and check:
− whether the mains cable is free of damage,
− whether the plastic and rubber device parts (e.g.
tube, nebuliser chamber) are in perfect condition
and that no damage due to ageing is apparent,
− whether the device has been correctly cleaned
and is clear of residues or contaminants.
Preparing the USV 2010
Nebulisation directly from the nebuliser
Inserting the nebuliser chamber
☞ Fill the nebuliser chamber (2) with nebuliser liquid
up to the max. mark [2].
Do not fill beyond the max mark [2].
☞ Insert the nebuliser chamber (2) in the holder of
the USV 2010 [1]. Observe preferred position.
☞ Press cover onto the nebuliser chamber.
96200-114 – 10 – 15.07.2020
Fitting the bacteria filter
☞ Plug the bacteria filter [1] onto the blower
connection [2] on the housing.
Pay attention to the flow direction according to the
manufacturer's specifications.
Fit 300 mm tube
A 300 mm tube (1) connects the bacteria filter (2)
and the cover of the nebuliser chamber (3).
☞ Place the short tube [1] on the nozzle of the
bacteria filter [2] and the nozzle of the lid [3].