Whenever it becomes necessary to replace the
piston guide seal rings without dismantling the
entire mechanical part, it is possible to extract
the seal rings with the use of tool code 27918500
operating as follows:
Insert the tool between the rod and the seal ring (pos. ,
Fig. 34) and, with the extractor hammer, complete insertion of
the tapered section inside the seal ring (pos. , Fig. 35).
Extract the seal ring using the tool extractor hammer (pos. ,
Fig. 36).
Remove the two spindle locking Seeger rings (pos. , Fig. 37).
Remove the spindle (pos. , Fig. 38) and extract the con-rod
(pos. , Fig. 39).
Fig. 34
Fig. 35
Fig. 36
Fig. 37
Fig. 38
Fig. 39