Pre-assemble the outer ring of the pinion bearing on the
reduction gear with the aid of special tool code 27604900
(pos. , Fig. 51) inserting fully down to end stroke (pos. ,
Fig. 52).
From the opposite side of the reduction gear box, pre-
assemble the external ring of the bend shaft bearing using the
tool code 27605000 (pos. , Fig. 53) inserting fully down to
end stroke (pos. , Fig. 54).
Fig. 50
Fig. 51
Repeat this operation on the bearing cover, pre-assembling
the external bend shaft bearing ring with the help of the tool
code 27605000 (pos. , Fig. 55) inserting fully down to end
stroke (pos. , Fig. 56).
Fig. 52
Fig. 53
Fig. 54
Fig. 55