Pick ... A ... Boooooo!
Pick ... A ... Boooooo!
Get ready for a spooky adventure! Turn over a task card from the pile and try
to scare the depicted family member as quickly as possible.
As a first step, use a coloured part and the matching white sheet to
assemble the ghost shown on the task card. Pay attention to the colour
and the shape of the eyes! Now try to land with your ghost in the room that
matches the task card. But watch out! You must follow the rules below:
- If you have made a day ghost, you can only land on the day sides of the
A night ghost can only land on the night sides of the rooms.
- If it is the wrong time of day and you cannot land your ghost in the room,
you must hide in another room that matches the time of day and the
The task card shows a green day ghost and
the girl. The room with the girl is placed with the day
side facing up. You can land on the piece, because the
day ghost on the task card matches the room (day
side facing up).
The task card shows a green day ghost
and the girl. The room with the girl is placed with the
night side facing up. The day ghost can only land in
the room during the day, so you must hide in another
room. The matching room is the one that has the
same coloured edge as the ghost (in this example:
green) and shows the same time of day. In this
example, the room with the cat is the correct room,
because it has the same colour as the ghost and
shows the right time of day.