Instructions for Use
Soft Start
To ensure proper lubrication of the bearings the pump, at the first ramp-
up, the pump has to be started in "soft start" mode.
This starting modality (Soft Start) ensures a smooth up to speed of the
pump and it allows a proper lubrication of the bearings.
The control unit which is connected to the pump is already set-up by
default to run the pump (only at the first control unit start-up). In case of
use of a new pump with an used control unit, remember to set manually
the soft start mode.
The soft start mode will take a longer time compared to the standard
start-up; the user must wait that the pump is completely up to speed
before stopping the pump.
After the first start, the pump won't be started in soft start mode again by
the control unit.
After 60 days or more of inactivity, in order to allow again the correct redistribution
of the grease present in the bearings, it is necessary to start the pump via soft
start mode again.
Please refer to the controller's relevant instruction manuals in order to find
the appropriate set of instructions to activate the "soft start" modality
(Remote: Chapter Technical Information – Controller Connection &
Window Meanings ; On Board: Chapter Technical Information –
Interconnections & Window Meanings).
Agilent TPS-compact User Manual