Adapter name
Compatible sockets
o Only recharge the EOlife® battery using the charger provided
o Only use the EOlife® battery referred to on the list of accessories and equipment (part number not available)
o If the charge is too low, do not interrupt ventilation to replace the battery Continue ventilation without real-
time feedback from EOlife®
Always check the battery level before placing the device in the emergency bag The battery level is shown in the top
right corner of the start-up screen
The battery icon fills as the charge increases and also changes colour:
Under normal conditions of use and when the operating conditions specified in "X. Technical data" are met,
the run time is around 5 hours from fully charged
When the
symbol appears on the screen, the battery is probably defective, and you should use another battery to
avoid a power failure during resuscitation
b) Cleaning EOlife® and its accessories
o FlowSense®
The FlowSense® sensor is a single-use component of EOlife® (see "IX. d) Disposal").
o Electronic unit and removable battery:
The electronic unit and the removable battery are reusable EOlife® components that must be cleaned after
each use to avoid cross-contamination
This mandatory and essential step is the user's responsibility
The EOlife® device must be switched off before being cleaned
Male adapter B
Male adapter E
Type C
Type A
Type E
Type B
Type F
Run time ≥ 50%
Male adapter G
Type G
50% > Run time ≥ 20%
Male adapter I
(Australia, NZ)
Type I
20% > Run time