corresponding warning appears.
To regenerate ceramic odour filters, they must be removed from
the hood.
To remove the ceramic odour filters, proceed as shown in Fig.
-> Push down the right side of the central glass flap.
-> Remove the central glass flap (1).
-> Grasp the metal filters by the knob and pull them both off (2.3).
-> Grasp the ceramic odour filters on their outer handles and pull
them off (4).
Fig. 35
To thermally regenerate the ceramic odour filters, they must be
placed in a preheated oven at 200°C for 45 minutes. Proper
regeneration ensures constant filter effectiveness for 5 years.
Caution! Do not place the filters on the bottom of the oven but place
them on a baking tray and place it at an intermediate height.
Contact the manufacturer to purchase a new filter.
The hood is equipped with a safety cap for emptying any liquids
that may have accidentally spilled into the condensation tray but
which have exceeded its capacity. Check daily that there are no
liquids inside the external hob tray. To do this, you need to remove
the cap present under the hob, taking care to first place a container
under and in correspondence with the cap itself to collect any
liquids present (see Fig. 36).
Fig. 36