JUKI DU-1181N Manual De Instrucciones página 48

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Para evitar posibles lesiones personales debido a un arranque brusco de la máquina de coser ,
desconecte la corriente eléctrica de la máquina de coser y cerciórese de antemano que el motor
está completamente parado. La máquina de coser está girando a alta velocidad. Para evitar posibles
lesiones personales, ponga mucho cuidado cuando ajuste la cantidad de aceite.
Per evitare possibili ferimenti causati dall'avvio improvviso della macchina per cucire, prima
di effettuare le seguenti operazioni spegnere la macchina ed assicurarsi che il motore sia
completamente fermo. La macchina per cucire gira ad alta velocità. Prestare molta attenzione
quando si regola la quantità di olio al fi ne di evitare possibili ferimenti.
1) オイルパン 1 に JUKI マシンオイル No.7
を HIGH マーク A のところまで入れてくだ
2) 油面が LOW マーク B 以下にさがったら再
3) 面部矢印で示された個所に適量注油してくだ
さい。 (1 日 1 回必ず適量注油してください。 )
4) 注油後ミシンを運転しますと、潤滑が正常の
ときは、油窓 2 に油が振り掛かるのが見え
5) 油が振り掛かる量の多い少ないは油量の多い
(1) Information on lubrication
1) Fill oil pan 1 with JUKI Machine Oil No. 7 up to
HIGH mark A .
2) When the oil level lowers below LOW mark B ,
refi ll the oil pan with the specifi ed oil.
3) Apply an adequate amount of oil to the points
marked with the arrows of the face plate compo-
nents. (Be sure to apply an adequate amount of
oil once a day.)
4) When you operate the machine after lubrication,
you will see splashing oil through oil sight window
2 if the lubrication is adequate.
5) Note that the amount of the splashing oil is unre-
lated to the amount of the lubricating oil.
– 8 –
上送りカムへの給油はゴム栓 3 を取り、
10 分間程度、1500sti/min 以上で運
Remove rubber plug 3 to lubricate the
upper feed cam, and fi ll the felt portion
in the fi gure with oil.
When the sewing machine is used at
low speed (1,000 sti/min or less), oper-
ate the sewing machine at 1,500 sti/min
or more for approximately 10 minutes
once a day in order to circulate the oil.


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