Vercise™ Deep Brain Stimulation Systems
6. Disconnect the Lead Extension Connector. Return the Lead Extension Connector to Boston
7. Expose and disconnect the Lead Extensions from the IPG by following the procedure in the
"Removing or Replacing the DBS IPG" section of this manual.
8. Gently pull the Lead Extension through the tunnel from the IPG site.
Note: If the Lead Extension is broken, then it may be necessary to make additional incisions
or to pull one end of the Lead Extension out at the IPG site and the other end from the
Lead Extension Connector site.
Avoid pulling towards the ear to reduce the potential for infection of the DBS
9. Ship the explanted Lead Extensions to Boston Scientific.
Removing or Replacing the DBS IPG
1. Turn off the IPG.
2. Palpate the pectoral or abdominal area to locate the IPG.
3. Surgically open the pocket where the IPG is located. The incision should be large enough to
remove the IPG from the pocket. Be careful not to damage the implanted components to allow
for proper analysis following explant.
4. Remove the IPG from the IPG pocket.
5. Using the Torque Wrench, unscrew the IPG Header Setscrews to release the Lead Extensions.
Caution: Loosen the Setscrew only as much as is necessary to remove the Lead Extension.
Loosening the Setscrew too much will cause it to fall out.
Note: To tighten the Setscrew, rotate the Torque Wrench clockwise. To loosen the Setscrew,
rotate the Torque Wrench counterclockwise.
6. Remove the Lead Extensions from the IPG.
7. If the Lead Extension will remain implanted:
a. Optional: Clean the proximal ends of the Lead Extension.
b. Attach the Lead Boots from the Physician's Spares Kit.
c. Coil the excess Lead Extension in the IPG pocket.
8. To replace the IPG, see the "Implanting the DBS System" section of this manual and repeat all
subsections (as applicable).
9. Close the incision.
Caution: Be careful not to damage any remaining implanted components when closing the
10. Ship the explanted IPG to Boston Scientific.
Surgical Implant Manual
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