The [Transmit Test Results] variable function key is used to transmit patient and
Quality Control (QC) results to an external location. Results may be exported to a
1.44 MB, 3.5-inch PC-formatted diskette using the floppy drive on the lower right
side of the instrument panel, a USB storage device using the USB port or results
may be exported via the serial port to a secure network interface (SNI) for
transmission to a Laboratory Information System (LIS) using vendor neutral
connectivity software. A message will display the number of test records
The [Instrument Parameters] variable function key is used to enter the following
instrument settings: current date, current time, audio tone, language, screen
contrast adjustment, and output location.
Enter Patient and User IDs
A Patient ID must be entered before a test can be run. The Patient ID can include
up to 12 alpha-numeric characters. Non alpha-numeric characters will be removed
when the Patient ID is scanned.
A User ID must be entered if the User Lockout option has been turned ON. The
User ID can include up to 15 alpha-numeric characters. Non alpha-numeric
characters will be removed when the User ID is scanned.
Note: Up to 600 user IDs can be entered.
Manual Entry
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Enter ID]. The Enter ID screen will appear with options for entering
Patient and User ID numbers.
To enter a Patient ID:
1. Select [Patient ID].
2. Enter the Patient ID using the numerical keypad.
3. For an alpha character, press the decimal point "." An alpha character will
appear in the Patient ID field.
4. To change the character, press the [A...Z] and [Z...A] keys until the desired
character is shown.
5. To accept the character select the decimal point if you would like to enter
another alpha character or enter from the numeric keypad.
6. To continue entering numbers, select the number using the numerical keypad.
7. After entering the last alpha character or number in the Patient ID, press
[Enter] to confirm the ID.
8. The Patient ID will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the Enter ID
ACT Plus
Operator's Manual
English 25