Loading sequence
Rev.: 001
Unpack the uni-cart, vexio-cart, pro-cart, duo-cart, compact-cart, classic-cart or endo-cart carrier
system and check wether all the parts you have ordered have been included in the consignment.
Place the uni-cart, vexio-cart, pro-cart, duo-cart, compact-cart, classic-cart or endo-cart carrier
system on a level, horizontal surface. Place the appliances in the cart taking into consideration the
loading sequences. Loading and assembly may only be effected if the cart is separated from
current. We recommend the optional accessory (e. g. tension belt) to be applied for the safety
of each appliance.
The maximum loading is specified in section 10. If the tilt stability is not adequate, the cart
must be clearly labelled in conformity with the 5° labelling specification.
Make sure that all the equipment placed on the uni-cart, pro-cart, duo-cart, compact-cart,
classic-cart or endo-cart carrier system is stowed securely to prevent slipping, tipping, falling
down, etc. by taking appropriate measures (especially also during transport). It is advisable to
position all heavy components on the uni-cart, pro-cart, duo-cart, compact-cart, classic-cart
or endo-cart carrier system using two people. You should take into account the fact that the
centre of gravity changes with the loading.
The cart should be loaded in the following sequence:
• shelves and drawers from the bottom to top
• support arms should be loaded last.
The cart should be unloaded in the following sequence:
• loads should be removed from support arms first
• shelves and drawers should be unloaded from top to bottom.
Erstellt am/durch: 07.04.2015/ITD
Freigabe am/durch: 07.04.2015/ETI
Seite 36 von 128