Montage de la potence (partie inferieure) 18-19 Montage de la potence (partie supérieure) FOURCHE MONOBLADE JEU DE DIRECTION INTÉGRÉ LOOK AEROSET Démontage complet du jeu de direction Montage complet du jeu de direction Réglage du jeu de direction FREINS INTÉGRÉS AÉROBRAKE 2 24-25 Montage du frein AÉROBRAKE 2...
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. Réglage du frein AÉROBRAKE 2 . Changement de patins AÉROBRAKE 2 FREIN ARRIÈRE DIRECT MOUNT POSTE DE PILOTAGE Montage du cintre AEROFLAT BAR Montage des prolongateurs Positionnement . Starters de l’AEROFLAT BAR . Prolongateurs . Réglage des repose-bras 32-37 .
AEROPOST. Note : - Ce cadre LOOK est conçu et optimisé pour être utilisé par des cyclistes ne dépassant pas 100 KG (220,5 lbs). Si vous pesez plus de 85 kg, vous devez être particulièrement vigilant et faire inspecter votre vélo plus fréquemment (qu’une personne pesant moins de 85 kg)
DURÉE DE VIE - USURE - INSPECTION REQUISE La durée de vie des composants LOOK dépend de nombreux facteurs, tels que la taille du cycliste et les conditions de cyclisme. Les impacts, les chutes, une utilisation inappropriée ou une utilisation brusque en général peuvent compromettre l’intégrité structurelle des composants et réduire considérablement leur durée de vie.
Avant toute utilisation, lisez soigneusement l’intégralité des instructions, respecter les conseils donnés afin de profiter pleinement des atouts de ce produit de haute qualité. LOOK se réserve la possibilité de changer sans avis préalable les spécifications du produit, dans le but de l’améliorer.
Configuration routage mécanique / électrique Le 796 MONOBLADE est équipé de butées de gaines amovibles permettant à la fois la compatibilité avec les groupes mécaniques, ou électriques. Se référer à votre détaillant LOOK pour la liste des groupes compatibles.
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PART REFERENCE Checked by Date Butée amovible bouchon Passe gaine dérailleur Passe fil électrique amo- Nature of modification Resp Date Ind. Autocollant LOOK Material Treatment vible SCALE 5:1 Volume (mm3) Mass (g) ASSEMBLY PROTYPE REFERENCE SHEET A4 Drawn by Date...
D (cf. § SERRAGE BUTEES AMOVIBLES) Installer le passe fil électrique G à la sortie de la base arrière. Coller l’autocollant LOOK I sur le capot. Nettoyer et dégraisser la surface pour un collage optimal. Routage du cadre avec un groupe mécanique Démonter le capot sur le tube horizontal.
Routage du cadre avec un groupe électronique sans fil (type SRAM eTap) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Sérrage butées amovibles Montage Fig. 5.1 Cadre Ressort de 1/ S’assurer que la butée de gaine est en maintien position ouverte. 2/ Positionner la butée dans son logement, contre la paroi en composite du cadre. Vis de tension 3/ Serrer la vis de tension à 1Nm jusqu’au Corps de butée maintien complet de la butée dans son de gaine...
Routage des gaines dans l’AEROFLAT BAR Important : Avant de commencer le routage interne du cintre, il est fortement conseillé de faire un montage « à blanc » afin de s’assurer que votre positionnement soit correct. Vous devez notamment définir l’orientation du cintre, et la longueur de vos prolongateurs (Cf. § POSTE DE PILOTAGE). Vous devez aussi préalablement monter la partie inférieure de la potence AEROFLAT STEM (Cf.
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REFERENCE Angles : ±30' Dimension from 0 to 15 : ±0.15 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Dessiné par Date Surfaces finish : 80 grit sand blast Vérifié...
Suivre les points 4 à 8 du paragraphe précédent. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Votre 796 MONOBLADE intègre le boitier de jonction Di2 Shimano SM-EW90-B (5ports). Ainsi All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Date P.BIGARD DESIGNATION REFERENCE All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Vérifié par Date purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
POTENCE AEROFLAT STEM L’AEROFLAT STEM est disponible en 2 longueurs : 85mm et 110mm. Chaque potence se compose d’une partie inférieure, d’un capot et d’un ensemble de visserie. Votre kit cadre 796 MONOBLADE est monté d’origine avec son jeu de direction et sa fourche mais sans potence.
N° Désignation Potence (partie inférieure) Capot de potence Vis de fixation du cintre Vis de potence (x8) – Serrage à 8Nm avec une clé Allen de 4mm Bague rouge (fausse potence) Ecrou de serrage M12 – Serrage à 55Nm avec une douille 6 pans de 18mm Montage de la potence (partie inferieure) 1- Maintenir la fourche pour ne pas qu’elle tombe, et défaire l’écrou de serrage②potence à...
à l’avant et une à l’arrière de la potence, en diagonale. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
JEU DE DIRECTION INTÉGRÉ LOOK AEROSET Le jeu de direction Look AEROSET est un système à rattrapage automatique de jeu. Il permet d’appliquer la précontrainte nécessaire au bon fonctionnement des roulements, sans risque de détérioration. Cependant, plusieurs possibilités apportant plusieurs précontraintes sont...
000 12961 S-E ACC JDD 796 ained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial n. All rights on this material are reserved. 2- Desserrer le câble de frein avant au niveau de l’étrier de frein, et retirer la gaine et le câble du pivot de fourche.
5- Retirer le roulement supérieur , la bague d’appui , le ressort et la bague d’appui de fond de logement 6- Nettoyer toutes les pièces avec un nettoyant adapté et un chiffon doux. Note : Vous pouvez démonter le jeu de direction sans sortir la gaine de frein arrière du cadre et du cintre.
Free of cutting oil and oil residue All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
FREINS INTÉGRÉS AEROBRAKE 2 000 12969 Fig. 14 Resp Date Ind. Nature de la modification Matière Traitement ECHELLE 2:5 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Volume (mm3) Masse (g) 326148.04 381.34 FORMAT A4 AFR-CLM20 Dessiné par Date P.BIGARD 15/03/2016 DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 S-E AEROBRAKE 2 796...
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N° Désignation N° Désignation Capots des leviers externes (x2) Ressorts (x2) Vis et plaque serre câble Axes leviers (x2) Passe câble Tirant Leviers externes (x2) Coude Bague de guidage (ne pas lubrifier) Vis de réglage de l’écartement des patins (x2) Câble de frein avant souple Vis de réglage de la précontrainte des ressort (x2)
000 12969 Coupe_gaine_de_frein All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. 5- Positionner une deuxième butée de gaine votre butée de gaine possède un liner, le recouper...
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 ouverture_levier All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Réglage du frein AÉROBRAKE 2 Si vous utilisez des jantes larges (> à 24mm) retirer les rondelles entre les porte-patins et les leviers intérieurs Réglage garde patins (Clé Allen de 3mm, Fig. 20.1) : rotation horaire : le patin s’eloigne de la jante // rotation antihoraire : le patin se rapproche de la jante Réglage position angle patins (Clé...
Coupe gaine frein arr montre. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Montage du cintre AEROFLAT BAR Avant de réaliser le montage définitif du cintre, veillez procéder au routage complet comme...
Vérifié par Date 000 13763 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial COUPE Fig. 24 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Date Assemblage prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial manière irréversible les éléments de serrages. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Conseils pour la recoupe La recoupe est une opération délicate. Pour obtenir une coupe de qualité : - utiliser un outil coupe-tube permettant de s’assurer que la coupe soit bien perpendiculaire. - fixer le coupe-tube rigidement dans un étau, et l’orienter de manière à couper verticalement. - utiliser une scie spéciale carbone, ou à...
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date POSITIONNEMENT REPOSES COUDES All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
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Nomenclature accastillage Vérifié par Date Vis tête fraisée M5X40 AEROFLAT BAR All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ECHELLE 1:1 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Masse (g) purpose is forbidden.
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Checked by Date prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Cales purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature of modification...
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Eclaté serrage bridge de vis à All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. utiliser Nature de la modification Matière...
FORMAT A4 Vérifié par Date All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ACT-001 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
N° Désignation BRIDGE Support prolongateur Cales angulaire (x2) Vis CHC M5x16 de fixation (x4) – Serrage à 6Nm avec une clé Allen de Ecrou carré M5 pour les vis (x4) Vis de fixation supérieure FHC M5 (x4) – Serrage à 4Nm avec une clé Allen de 3mm Vis de fixation inférieure FHC M5 (x4) –...
All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Vérifié par Date 000 12130 Nomenclature et Eclaté All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
L’AEROPOST est un concept de tige de selle intégrée, breveté par LOOK et développé exclusivement pour le cadre LOOK 796 MONOBLADE. Cette tige de selle supprime tout risque de glissement puisqu’elle se trouve en appui directement sur le cadre. Une fois démontée, elle permet d’obtenir un vélo à...
Montage d’une selle Monolink® sur l’AEROPOST (nécessite le kit Monolink® optionnel) 1- Présenter la selle Monolink® sur la tête de l’AEROPOST. 2- Rapprocher les deux brides supérieures et visser la vis préalablement graissée sans la serrer. 3- Rapprocher ensuite les deux brides inférieures et visser la vis préalablement graissée sans la serrer.
couple de serrage compris entre 3 et 4Nm. 4- Plaquer alors le cache en élastomère dans la rainure de maintien entre le cadre et la tige de selle. Fig. 36 Note : Lors des premiers serrages, il peut se produire des craquements tout à fait normaux liés à...
Fig. 37 Note : Les cales millimétriques ont un sens pour l’empilement : la flèche désigne l’avant du vélo. Les vis sont pré-imprégnées de frein filet. Ne surtout pas les graisser. Au contraire, à la suite de quelques montages/démontages, il sera nécessaire de redéposer une goutte de frein filet normal (type Loctite bleue 243).
6 – Insérer l’outil de coupe à la position L et serrer les vis transversales à 3Nm. Serrer l’outil de coupe dans un étau en orientant la fente en position verticale. 7 - Couper le tube en introduisant une scie dans la fente de sciage. Utiliser une scie spéciale carbone, ou à...
BLESSÉ OU PARALYSÉ. Vérifié par Date Réglage recul All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
LOOK, à travers ces distributeurs agréés dans le pays dans lequel le produit a été acheté, garantit au premier acheteur ou utilisateur le produit contre tous vices ou défauts de fabrication.
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Le seul recours dans le cadre de la garantie limitée LOOK ou toute garantie implicite se limite à la réparation ou à l’échange, à la seule discrétion de LOOK, de tout ou partie du produit concerné. En aucun cas, LOOK et ses agents ou distributeurs ne peuvent être tenus pour responsables ni des dommages, directs ou consécutifs, ni de la prise en charge des frais de...
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Articles L613-3 à L613-6, L615-14 et L716-9. Il va de soi que les produits contrefaits ne bénéficient d’aucunes garanties LOOK et implique l’annulation de toutes les garanties LOOK sur un produit conforme LOOK utilisé avec des produits contrefaits.
Note : - This LOOK frame is designed and optimised for use by cyclists not exceeding 100 kg (220.5 lb). If you weigh more than 85kg, you have to be particularly vigilant and have your bicycle inspected more frequently (than a person weighing less than 85kg) to look for eventual cracks, deformations, or any other sign of fatigue or wear.
LIFESPAN – WEAR – REQUIRED INSPECTION The lifespan of LOOK components depends on a number of factors, such as the the weights of the cyclist and the cycling conditions. Impacts, falls, and inappropriate use or rough use in general may compromise the structural integrity of components and considerably reduce their life expectancy.
Before any use read all the instructions carefully, and follow the advice given to make the most of the advantages of this high quality product. For the purpose of improvement LOOK reserves the option of changing the product specifications without prior notice.
Mechanical / electrical routing configuration The 796 MONOBLADE is equipped with removable cable outer stops allowing compatibility with both mechanical and electric group sets. Refer to your LOOK retailer for the list of compatible groupsets.
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PART REFERENCE Checked by Date Derailleur cable housing Removable plug guide Removable electric wire Nature of modification Resp Date Ind. LOOK sticker Material Treatment guide SCALE 5:1 Volume (mm3) Mass (g) ASSEMBLY PROTYPE REFERENCE SHEET A4 Drawn by Date PART...
(E+D) (cf. CLAMPING REMOVABLE STOPS) Install the electric wire guide at the rear chainstay exit. Stick the LOOK sticker onto the cap. Clean and degrease the surface for optimum glueing. Frame routing with a mechanical groupset Remove the cap on the horizontal tube.
Routage mécanique Frame routing with a wireless electronic groupset (SRAM eTap type) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Clamping removable stops FITTING Fig. 5.1 Frame 1/ Check that the brake removable stop is in the Retaining spring open position. 2/ Position the removable stop in its housing, against the composite wall of the frame. 3/ Tighten the tension screw to 1 Nm until the Tension screw stop is completely held in its housing.
Routing cable housings in the AEROFLAT BAR Important : Before starting the handlebar internal routing it is strongly recommended that a «dummy» assembly should be done to check that your positioning is correct. In particular you must define the bar orientation, and the length of your extensions (Cf. § COCKPIT). You must first fit the bottom part of the AEROFLAT STEM (Cf.
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REFERENCE Angles : ±30' Dimension from 0 to 15 : ±0.15 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Dessiné par Date Surfaces finish : 80 grit sand blast Vérifié...
Follow points 4 to 8 of the previous paragraph. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Montage_batterie_Di2 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial into the frame like this it does not create any additional aerodynamic drag. However it is still purpose is forbidden.
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Date P.BIGARD DESIGNATION REFERENCE All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Vérifié par Date purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
AEROFLAT STEM The AEROFLAT STEM is available in 2 lengths: 85 mm and 110 mm. Each stem comprises a bottom part, a cap and a set of fastenings. Your 796 MONOBLADE kit is originally fitted with its headset and fork, but is without a stem. In place of this a red plastic ring reproduces the shape of a stem and allows the fork and headset to be retained during transport.
N° Designation Stem (bottom part) Stem cap Bar fixing screw Stem screw (x8) – Tighten to 8 Nm with a 4 mm Allen key Red ring (dummy stem) M12 clamp screw – Tighten to 55 Nm with an 18 mm hex socket Stem assembly (bottom part) 1- Hold the fork so that it does not fall and undo the stem clamp nut ②...
3- Tighten the 8 screws cross-wise to 8 Nm torque. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
It integrates the AEROBRAKE 2 brake (cf. § AEROBRAKE2 FRONT BRAKE) It conforms to standard EN 14781. If the headset is removed/refitted please follow the advice in the paragraph LOOK AEROSET INTEGRATED HEADSET. Note : - As fitting the fork with its headset necessitates specific tools it is strongly advised to approach an approved LOOK retailer to perform correct, complete, removal or refitting.
000 12961 S-E ACC JDD 796 ained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial n. All rights on this material are reserved. 2- Loosen the front brake cable at the brake stirrup, and withdraw the cable from the fork pivot.
5- Withdraw the top bearing② , the support ring② , the spring and the housing bottom support ring② 6- Clean all the parts with a suitable cleaner and a soft cloth. Note : you can remove the headset without taking the rear brake cable outer from the frame and handlebars.
Free of cutting oil and oil residue All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
(if your ferrule has a liner, cut it to leave only 2-3 mm), All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 ouverture_levier All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
AEROBRAKE 2 adjustment If you use wide rims (> 24 mm) remove the washers between the pad holders and the inside levers. Pad clearance adjustment (3 mm Allen key, fig. 20.1): clockwise rotation: the pad moves away from the rim // anti-clockwise rotation: the pad moves closer to the rim Pad angle position adjustment (4 mm Allen key, fig 20.2) Spring tension adjustment (2 mm Allen key, fig.
Date Coupe gaine frein arr All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Basebar assembly Before completing the final mounting of the bar please check the complete routing as described above.
Vérifié par Date 000 13763 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial COUPE Fig. 24 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Vérifié par Date Assemblage prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial components. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Resp Date Ind.
Recutting advice Recutting is a delicate operation. To obtain a quality cut: - use a tube-cutter tool allowing a check that the cut is exactly perpendicular. - fix the tub-cutter rigidly in a vice, and orient it so as to cut vertically. - use a special carbon saw, if not, a worn metal saw blade.
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date POSITIONNEMENT REPOSES COUDES All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
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Nomenclature accastillage Vérifié par Date Countersunk head screw M5X40 AEROFLAT BAR All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ECHELLE 1:1 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Masse (g) purpose is forbidden.
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Checked by Date prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Spacers purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature of modification...
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Eclaté serrage bridge length to All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. be used Nature de la modification Matière...
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FORMAT A4 Vérifié par Date All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ACT-001 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
N° Designation BRIDGE Extension support Spacers (x2) M5x16 CHC screw fixing onto (x4) – Tighten to 6 Nm with a 4mm Allen key M5 square nut for screws (x4) M5 FHC top fixing screw (x4) – Tighten to 4 Nm with a 3mm Allen key M5 FHC bottom fixing screw (x4) –...
All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Vérifié par Date 000 12130 Nomenclature et Eclaté All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
The AEROPOST is an integrated seatpost, patented by LOOK and developed exclusively for the LOOK 796 MONOBLADE frame. This seatpost removes all risk of slipping because it is fixed directly on the frame. Once remove it allows a low volume bike to be obtained with the aim of travelling easily.
Fitting a Monolink® saddle onto the AEROPOST (needs optional Monolink® kit) 1- Place the Monolink® saddle on the AEROPOST head. 2- Close up the two top clamps and screw in the previously greased screw without clamping them. 3- Then close up the two bottom clamps and screw in the previously greased screw without clamping them.
clamp torque between 3 and 4 Nm. 4- Press the elastomer cover into the retaining groove between the frame and the seatpost. Fig. 36 Note : After the first tightening completely normal cracking sounds can be produced linked to positionning of the seatpost carbon fibres. Unclamping To remove your AEROPOST reverse the previous operations.
Fig. 37 Note : The millimetric shims have a stacking direction, the arrow designates the front of the bicycle. The screws are preimpregnated with threadlock. It is essential not to grease them. On the contrary, after several fittings/refittings it will be necessary to redeposit a drop of normal thread lock (Loctite blue 243 type).
cutting tool in a vice whilst orienting the slot in the vertical position. 7 - Cut the tube by inserting a saw into the saw slot. Use a special carbon saw, if not, a worn metal saw blade. 8 - Remove the cutting tool, deburr the end of the tube with fine glasspaper. Check that the end of the tube is clean and varnish free.
DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date Réglage recul All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
FIVE years from the date of purchase against all material and manufacturing defects. All the other components are warranted for ONE year. LOOK, through its authorized distributors in the country of product purchase, guarantees to the first owner or user the product against all material and manufacturing defects.
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(or indoor cycling), jumps, acrobatics, extreme cycling or similar activities. The only recourse within the LOOK Limited Warranty or any other implicit warranty is limited to the repair or replacement, at the discretion of LOOK, of all or part of the concerned product.
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It goes without saying that counterfeit products do not benefit from any warranties from LOOK and involves canceling all the LOOK warranties on a LOOK product in compliance used with counterfeit products. This also implies the cancellation of all accidental responsibilities, material, moral, civic and physical from the Company LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL.
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15-16 ATTACCO AEROFLAT STEM Montaggio dell’attacco (parte inferiore) 18-19 Montaggio dell’attacco (parte superiore) FORCELLA MONOBLADE SERIE STERZO INTEGRATA LOOK AEROSET Smontaggio completo della serie sterzo Montaggio completo della serie sterzo Regolazione della serie sterzo FRENI INTEGRATI AÉROBRAKE 2 24-25 Montaggio del freno AÉROBRAKE 2...
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. Regolazione del freno AÉROBRAKE 2 . Sostituzione dei pattini AÉROBRAKE 2 FRENO POSTERIORE DIRECT MOUNT POSIZIONE DI GUIDA Montaggio del manubrio AEROFLAT BAR Serraggio delle prolunghe Posizionamento . Starter dell’AEROFLAT BAR . Prolunghe . Regolazione dei poggiagomiti 32-37 . Montaggio del kit tacchette angolare (kit opzionale) IDRATAZIONE E NUTRIZIONE Porta borraccia sul canotto sella Porta borraccia sul bridge...
AEROBRAKE 2, e reggisella AEROPOST. Nota : - Questo telaio LOOK è progettato e ottimizzato per essere utilizzato da ciclisti di peso non superiore a 100 kg (220,5 lbs). Se il tuo peso supera gli 85 kg, ti consigliamo di far...
DURATA DI VITA - USURA - ISPEZIONE NECESSARIA La durata di vita dei componenti LOOK dipende da molti fattori, come le dimensioni del ciclista e le condizioni della pratica ciclistica. Gli impatti, le cadute, un utilizzo inadeguato o brusco in generale possono compromettere l’integrità strutturale dei componenti e ridurne considerevolmente la durata di vita.
Prima di ogni utilizzo, leggi con attenzione le istruzioni e rispetta i consigli che ti forniamo, in modo da poter sfruttare al massimo i vantaggi di questo prodotto di alta qualità. LOOK si riserva la possibilità di modificare le caratteristiche tecniche del prodotto senza preavviso nell’ottica di un suo miglioramento.
Configurazione routing meccanico / elettrico La 796 MONOBLADE è dotata di riscontri di guaine amovibili che consentono sia la compatibilità con gruppi sia meccanici che elettrici. Fare riferimento al rivenditore LOOK per l’elenco dei gruppi compatibili.
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Date PART REFERENCE Checked by Date Riscontro amovibile tappo Passaguaina deragliatore Passafilo elettrico amovi- Nature of modification Resp Date Ind. Adesivo LOOK Material Treatment bile SCALE 5:1 Volume (mm3) Mass (g) ASSEMBLY PROTYPE REFERENCE SHEET A4 Drawn by Date PART...
SERRAGGIO RISCONTRI AMOVIBILI) Installare il passa filo elettrico all’uscita della base posteriore. Incollare l’adesivo LOOK rivestimento. Pulire e sgrassare la superficie per un’adesione ottimale. Routing del telaio con un gruppo meccanico Smontare la copertura sul tubo orizzontale Passare le guaine dei deragliatori nel telaio. (Aiutarsi con dei tubi neri di routing preliminare) Le guaine escono dal telaio dal grande foro lasciato dal rivestimento.
Routing del telaio con un gruppo elettronico wireless (tipo SRAM eTap) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Serraggio riscontri amovibili Montaggio Fig. 5.1 Telaio Molla di manteni- 1 / Accertarsi che il riscontro della guaina sia mento in posizione aperta. 2/ Posizionare il riscontro nel relativo alloggiamento, contro la parte in materiale composito del telaio. vite di tensione corpo del 3/ Serrare la vite di tensione a 1 Nm fino al riscontro della...
Routing delle guaine nell’’AEROFLAT BAR Importante : Prima di iniziare il routing interno del manubrio, si consiglia fortemente di eseguire il montaggio «a vuoto» per accertarsi che il posizionamento sia corretto. Occorre in particolare definire l’orientamento del manubrio, e la lunghezza delle prolunghe (Vedere § POSIZIONE DI GUIDA). Occorre anche montare in anticipo la parte inferiore dell’attacco AEROFLAT STEM (Vedere §...
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REFERENCE Angles : ±30' Dimension from 0 to 15 : ±0.15 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Dessiné par Date Surfaces finish : 80 grit sand blast Vérifié...
Seguire la procedura da 4 a 8 del paragrafo precedente. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
La 796 MONOBLADE integra la scatola di raccordo Di2 Shimano SM-EW90-B (5ports). Così All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
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Date P.BIGARD DESIGNATION REFERENCE All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Vérifié par Date purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
ATTACCO AEROFLAT STEM L’AEROFLAT STEM è disponibile in 2 lunghezze: 85 mm e 110 mm. Ogni attacco è composto da una parte inferiore, un rivestimento e un insieme di viteria. Il kit telaio 796 MONOBLADE è montato di serie con la sua serie sterzo e la forcella ma senza attacco.
N° Descrizione Attacco (parte inferiore) Rivestimento dell’attacco Vite di regolazione del manubrio: Vite dell’attacco (x8) – Serraggio a 8Nm con una chiave a brugola da 4mm Anello rosso (falso attacco) Dado di serraggio M12 – Serraggio a 55Nm con una boccola 6 brugole da 18mm Montaggio dell’attacco (parte inferiore) 1- Mantenere la forcella affinché...
Date e una posteriore dell’attacco, in diagonale. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
SERIE STERZO INTEGRATA LOOK AEROSET La serie sterzo Look AEROSET è un sistema a recupero automatico del gioco. Consente di applicare la pretensione necessaria al buon funzionamento dei cuscinetti, senza rischio di deterioramento. Tuttavia, sono possibili diverse opzioni per apportare una maggiore...
000 12961 S-E ACC JDD 796 ained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial n. All rights on this material are reserved. 2- Allentare il cavo del freno anteriore a livello della pinza del freno, e tendere nuovamente la guaina e il cavo dal perno della forcella.
5- Tirare nuovamente il cuscinetto superiore , l’anello di appoggio , la molla ② e l’anello di appoggio di fondo dell’alloggiamento 6- Pulire tutte le parti con un detergente adatto e un panno morbido. Nota : è possibile smontare la serie sterzo senza far uscire la guaina del freno posteriore dal telaio e dal manubrio.
Free of cutting oil and oil residue All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
FRENI INTEGRATI AEROBRAKE 2 000 12969 Fig. 14 Resp Date Ind. Nature de la modification Matière Traitement ECHELLE 2:5 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Volume (mm3) Masse (g) 326148.04 381.34 FORMAT A4 AFR-CLM20 Dessiné par Date P.BIGARD 15/03/2016 DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 S-E AEROBRAKE 2 796...
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N° Descrizione N° Descrizione Rivestimenti delle leve esterne (x2) Molle (x2) Viti e piastra serracavi Assi leve (x2) Passacavi Tirante Leve esterne (x2) Gomito Anello di riferimento (non lubrificare) Vite di regolazione del distanziamento dei pattini (x2) Cavo del freno anteriore morbido Vite di regolazione di pretensiona- mento delle molle (x2) Leve interne (x2)
000 12969 Coupe_gaine_de_frein All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. 5- Posizionare un secondo riscontro della guaina (se il riscontro della guaina possiede un rivestimento, ritagliarlo per lasciarne liberi 2-3 mm).
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 ouverture_levier All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Regolazione del freno AÉROBRAKE 2 Se si utilizzano cerchi grandi (> 24 mm) eliminare le rondelle tra i portapattini e le leve interne. Regolazione copri pattini (chiave a brugola da 3 mm, fig. 20.1): rotazione oraria: il pattino si allontana dal cerchio // rotazione antioraria: il pattino si avvicina al cerchio.
Date Coupe gaine frein arr All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Montaggio del manubrio AEROFLAT BAR Prima di realizzare il montaggio definitivo del manubrio, procedere al routing completo come descritto in precedenza.
Vérifié par Date 000 13763 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial COUPE Fig. 24 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Date Assemblage prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial gli elementi di serraggio. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Consigli per il taglio Il taglio è un’operazione delicata. Per ottenere un taglio di qualità: - utilizzare uno strumento tagliatubi che consente di garantire che il taglio sia ben perpendicolare. - fissare il tagliatubi rigidamente in una morsa, e orientarlo in modo da tagliare verticalmente. - utilizzare una sega speciale al carbonio, o in mancanza, una lama di sega da metalli usata.
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date POSITIONNEMENT REPOSES COUDES All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 131
Vérifié par Date Vite a testa svasata M5X40 AEROFLAT BAR All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ECHELLE 1:1 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Masse (g) purpose is forbidden.
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Checked by Date prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature of modification...
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Date Eclaté serrage bridge vite da All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. utilizzare Nature de la modification Matière...
FORMAT A4 Vérifié par Date All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ACT-001 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
N° Descrizione BRIDGE Supporto prolunga Tacchette angolari (x2) Vite CHC M5x16 di fissaggio ②su ② (x4) – Serraggio a 6Nm con una chiave a brugola da 4mm Dado quadrato M5 per le viti (x4) Vite di fissaggio superiore FHC M5 (x4) – Serraggio a 4Nm con una chiave a brugola da Vite di fissaggio superiore inferiore FHC M5 (x4) –...
All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Vite di fissaggio della testa (x2) 000 12130 Nomenclature et Eclaté All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
L’AEROPOST è un concetto di reggisella integrato, brevettato da LOOK e sviluppato esclusivamente per il telaio LOOK 796 MONOBLADE. Questo reggisella elimina ogni rischio di scivolamento in quanto si trova in appoggio diretto sul telaio. Una volta smontato, consente di ottenere una bici poco ingombrante, nell’ottica di una facilità...
Montaggio di una sella Monolink® sull’AEROPOST (necessita del kit facoltativo Monolink®) 1- Posizionare la sella Monolink® sulla testa dell’AEROPOST. 2- Avvicinare le due flange superiori e avvitare la vite precedentemente ingrassata senza serrare. 3- Avvicinare quindi le due flange inferiori e avvitare la vite precedentemente ingrassata senza serrare.
con una coppia di serraggio tra 3 e 4Nm. 4- Posizionare il rivestimento in elastomero nella scanalatura tra il telaio e il reggisella. Fig. 36 Nota : In occasione dei primi serraggi, potrebbero sentirsi degli scricchiolii del tutto normali connessi al posizionamento delle fibre di carbonio del reggisella. Allentamento Per smontare l’AEROPOST, eseguire la procedura precedente in senso inverso.
Fig. 37 Nota : Le tacchette millimetriche ②hanno un senso per il posizionamento: la freccia indica il davanti della bici. Le viti ② sono pre-impregnate di frenafiletto. Non ingrassarle. Al contrario, dopo alcuni montaggi/smontaggi, sarà necessario ridepositare una goccia di frenafiletto normale (tipo Loctite blu 243).
6- Inserire lo strumento di taglio nella posizione L e serrare le viti trasversali a 3 Nm. Serrare lo strumento di taglio in una morsa orientando la fessura in posizione verticale. 7- Tagliare il tubo introducendo una sega nella fessura. Utilizzare una sega speciale al carbonio, o in mancanza, una lama di sega da metalli usata.
QUALE POTRESTI PERIRE, RIMANERE GRAVEMENTE FERITO O PARALIZZATO. Vérifié par Date Réglage recul All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Analogamente, la garanzia decade se il telaio o la forcella hanno subito una modifica tecnica e/o strutturale, se è stato riparato al di fuori di un centro di riparazioni autorizzato LOOK. In particolare, non eliminare i pioli di sicurezza dei forcellini.
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LOOK, di tutta o parte del prodotto in questione. In nessun caso, LOOK e i suoi agenti o distributori possono essere ritenuti responsabili di danni, diretti o conseguenti, né della presa in carico delle spese di trasporto o spedizione del prodotto, indipendentemente dal fatto che il reclamo riguardi il contratto, una garanzia, una negligenza o la responsabilità...
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Società LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. La maggior parte dei prodotti Look è fabbricata nei nostri stabilimenti al di fuori dell’Asia. La vendita di prodotti su siti esotici con molta probabilità riguarda prodotti contraffatti.
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Montaje de la potencia (parte inferior) 18-19 Montaje de la potencia (parte superior) HORQUILLA MONOBLADE JUEGO DE DIRECCIÓN INTEGRADO LOOK AEROSET Desmontaje completo del juego de dirección Montaje completo del juego de dirección Aeroset Ajuste del juego de dirección ESENOS INTEGRADOS AEROBRAKE 2...
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. Ajuste del freno AEROBRAKE 2 . Cambio de las pastillas Aerobrake 2 ESENO TRASERO DIRECT MOUNT PUESTO DE PILOTAJE Montaje del manillar AEROFLAT BAR Montaje de los extensores Colocación . Starters del’AEROFLAT BAR . Extensores . Ajuste de los apoyabrazos 32-37 .
AEROPOST. Nota : - Este cuadro LOOK está diseñado y optimizado para su uso por ciclistas que no superen los 100 kg (220,5 lbs). Si usted pesa más de 85 kg, debe llevar su bicicleta a revisar con mayor frecuencia (que una persona de menos de 85 kg) en busca de posibles fisuras, deformaciones o cualquier otro signo de fatiga o de esfuerzo.
VIDA ÚTIL - DESGASTE - INSPECCIÓN NECESARIA La vida útil de los componentes LOOK depende de muchos factores, como la talla del ciclista y las condiciones de las rodadas. Los impactos, las caídas, un uso inapropiado o un uso brusco en general pueden comprometer la integridad estructural de los componentes y reducir considerablemente su vida útil.
Antes de su uso, lea con atención todas las instrucciones, respete los consejos para aprovechar al máximo las ventajas de este producto de alta calidad. LOOK se reserva la posibilidad de cambiar sin previo aviso las especificaciones del producto con el fin de mejorarlo.
Configuración del enrutamiento mecánico/eléctrico La 796 MONOBLADE está equipada con tapones de vaina desmontables que permiten compatibilizar grupos mecánicos y eléctricos. Consulte con su tienda LOOK habitual la lista de grupos compatibles.
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PART REFERENCE Checked by Date Tapón desmontable Paso de vainas desviador Paso de cable eléctrico Nature of modification Resp Date Ind. Adhesivo LOOK Material Treatment desmontable SCALE 5:1 Volume (mm3) Mass (g) ASSEMBLY PROTYPE REFERENCE SHEET A4 Drawn by Date...
(E+D) (cf. recuadro APRIETE DE TAPONES DESMONTABLES) Instale el paso de cable eléctrico G en la salida de la base trasera. Pegue el adhesivo LOOK en la tapa. Limpie y desengrase la superficie para un pegado óptimo. Enrutamiento del cuadro con un grupo mecánico Desmonte la tapa del tubo horizontal.
Enrutamiento del cuadro con un grupo electrónico inalámbrico (tipo SRAM eTap) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Apriete de tapones desmontables Montaje Fig. 5.1 Cuadro Resorte de sujeción 1/ Asegúrese de que el tope de vaina está en posición abierta. 2/ Coloque el tope en su alojamiento contra la pared de compuesto del cuadro. 3/ Apriete el tornillo de tensión a 1Nm hasta Tornillo de tensión que el tope permanezca por completo en su Cuerpo de tope...
Enrutamiento de las vainas en el AEROFLAT BAR Importante: Antes de comenzar el enrutamiento interno del manillar, es muy aconsejable realizar un montaje «en blanco» para asegurarse de que su posición es correcta. Debe, sobre todo, definir la orientación del manillar y la longitud de los extensores (Cf. § PUESTO DE PILOTAJE). También debe montar previamente la parte inferior de la potencia AEROFLAT STEM (Cf.
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REFERENCE Angles : ±30' Dimension from 0 to 15 : ±0.15 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Dessiné par Date Surfaces finish : 80 grit sand blast Vérifié...
Monte los extensores en el manillar en la posición deseada. (Cf. § PUESTO DE PILOTAJE) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Su 796 MONOBLADE integra el conector Di2 Shimano SM-EW90-B (5 puertos). Al estar inte- All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
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Date P.BIGARD DESIGNATION REFERENCE All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Vérifié par Date purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
POTENCIA AEROFLAT STEM La AEROFLAT STEM está disponible en dos longitudes: 85 mm y 110 mm. Cada potencia se compone de una parte inferior, de una tapa y de un conjunto de tornillería. Su kit de cuadro 796 MONOBLADE está montado en origen con su juego de dirección y su horquilla pero sin potencia.
N° Denominación Potencia (parte inferior) Tapa de potencia Tornillo de fijación del manillar Tornillo de potencia (x8) – Apriete a 8Nm con una llave Allen de 4 mm. Barra roja (falsa potencia) Tuerca de apriete M12 – Apriete a 55Nm con una llave de tubo de 18mm.
Comience por un tornillo delantero y un tornillo trasero de la potencia, en diagonal. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
JUEGO DE DIRECCIÓN INTEGRADO LOOK AEROSET El juego de dirección LOOK AEROSET es un sistema de bloqueo automático del juego. Permite aplicar la pretensión necesaria para el buen funcionamiento de los rodamientos, sin riesgo de deterioro.
000 12961 S-E ACC JDD 796 ained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial n. All rights on this material are reserved. 2- Afloje el cable de freno delantero a la altura del estribo de freno, y retire la vaina y el cable del pivote de horquilla.
5- Retire el rodamiento superior ②, el casquillo de apoyo ②, el resorte② y el casquillo del fondo de la cavidad ②. 6- Limpie todas las piezas con un limpiador específico y un paño suave. Nota : Podrá desmontar el juego de dirección sin sacar la vaina de freno trasero del cuadro y del manillar.
Free of cutting oil and oil residue All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
FRENOS INTEGRADOS AEROBRAKE 2 000 12969 Fig. 14 Resp Date Ind. Nature de la modification Matière Traitement ECHELLE 2:5 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Volume (mm3) Masse (g) 326148.04 381.34 FORMAT A4 AFR-CLM20 Dessiné par Date P.BIGARD 15/03/2016 DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 S-E AEROBRAKE 2 796...
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N° Denominación N° Denominación Tapas de las palancas externas (x2) Resortes (x2) Tornillo prisionero Ejes de las palancas (x2) Pasacables Tirante Palancas externas (x2) Pipa Casquillo de guiado (no lubricar) Tornillo de ajuste de la separación de las pastillas (x2) Cable de freno delantero flexible Tornillo de ajuste de la pretensión de los resortes (x2)
000 12969 Coupe_gaine_de_frein All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. 5- 5- Instale una segunda contera de vaina su contera de vaina tiene un recubrimiento, recórtelo...
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 ouverture_levier All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Ajuste del freno AEROBRAKE 2 Si utiliza llantas anchas (> de 24 mm) retire las arandelas entre los portapastillas y las palancas internas. Ajuste de los portapastillas (llave Allen de 3 mm, fig. 20.1): rotación horaria: la pastilla se aleja de la llanta // rotación antihoraria: la pastilla se acerca a la llanta Ajuste de la posición del ángulo de las pastillas (llave Allen de 4 mm, fig.
Date Coupe gaine frein arr All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Montaje del manillar AEROFLAT BAR Antes de realizar el montaje definitivo del manillar, proceda al enrutamiento completo como se ha descrito anteriormente.
Vérifié par Date 000 13763 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial COUPE Fig. 24 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Date Assemblage prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial elementos de los cierres. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Consejos para el recorte El recorte es una operación delicada. Para obtener un recorte de calidad: - utilice una herramienta cortatubos que permita garantizar que el corte sea bien perpendicular. - sujete el cortatubos firmemente en un torno, y oriéntelo para realizar un corte vertical. - utilice una sierra especial para carbono, o en su defecto, una hoja de sierra para metales usada.
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date POSITIONNEMENT REPOSES COUDES All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Nomenclature accastillage Vérifié par Date Tornillo avellanado M5X40 AEROFLAT BAR All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ECHELLE 1:1 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Masse (g) purpose is forbidden.
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Checked by Date prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Calas purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature of modification...
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Date Eclaté serrage bridge tornillo All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. que debe...
FORMAT A4 Vérifié par Date All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ACT-001 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
N° Denominación BRIDGE Soporte extensor Calas angulares (x2) Tornillo CHC M5x16 de fijación (x4) – Apriete a 6Nm con una llave Allen de 4 mm. Tuerca cuadrada M5 para los tornillos (x4) Tornillo de fijación superior FHC M5 (x4) – Apriete a 4Nm con una llave Allen de 3 mm. Tornillo de fijación inferior FHC M5 (x4) –...
All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Tornillo de fijación de cabezal (x2) 000 12130 Nomenclature et Eclaté All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
AEROPOST es un concepto de tija de sillín integrada, patentada por LOOK y desarrollada exclusivamente para el cuadro LOOK 796 MONOBLADE. Esta tija de sillín suprime cualquier riesgo de deslizamiento ya que se apoya directamente en el cuadro. Una vez desmontada, permite obtener una bicicleta con poco volumen para viajar más cómodamente.
Montaje de un sillín Monolink® en la AEROPOST (necesita el kit Monolink® opcional) 1- Presente el sillín Monolink® sobre el cabezal AEROPOST. 2- Acerque las dos bridas superiores y enrosque el tornillo previamente engrasado sin apretarlo. 3- A continuación, acerque las dos bridas inferiores y enrosque el tornillo previamente engrasado sin apretarlo.
con un par de apriete comprendido entre 3 y 4Nm. 4- Coloque entonces el embellecedor de elastómero en la ranura de sujeción entre el cuadro y la tija de sillín. Fig. 36 Nota : En los primeros aprietes, pueden producirse crujidos completamente normales relacionados con la reubicación de las fibras de carbono de la tija de sillín.
Fig. 37 Nota : Las calas milimétricas tienen un sentido para apilarlas: la flecha indica la parte delantera de la bicicleta. Los tornillos están preimpregnados con fijador de roscas. No los engrase bajo ningún concepto. Por el contrario, después de varios montajes/desmontajes, será...
6 – Inserte la herramienta de corte en la posición L y apriete los tornillos transversales a 3 Nm. Apriete la herramienta de corte en un torno orientando la hendidura en posición vertical. 7 - Corte el tubo introduciendo una sierra en la hendidura de corte. Utilice una sierra especial para carbono, o en su defecto, una hoja de sierra para metales usada.
DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date Réglage recul All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
La pintura, la decoración, el barniz y todo lo referente al acabado tienen una garantía de un año. LOOK, a través de sus distribuidores autorizados en el país en el que el producto ha sido adquirido, garantiza al primer comprador o usuario del producto contra cualquier tara o defecto de fabricación.
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LOOK, o cualquier garantía implícita, se limita a la reparación o la sustitución, según decisión exclusiva de LOOK, de todo o parte del producto implicado. En ningún caso LOOK y sus agentes o distribuidores pueden ser responsables ni de los daños, directos o indirectos, ni de asumir costes de transporte o expedición del producto, aunque la reclamación se base...
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Empresa LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. La gran mayoría de los productos LOOK se fabrica en nuestras fábricas fuera de Asia. La venta de productos en webs orientales tiene, pues, todas las posibilidades de implicar productos falsificados.
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15-16 VORBAU AEROFLAT STEM Montage des Vorbaus (unterer Teil) 18-19 Montage des Vorbaus (oberer Teil) MONOBLADE-GABEL INTEGRIERTER STEUERSATZ LOOK AEROSET Vollständige Demontage des Steuersatzes Vollständige Montage des Steuersatzes Aeroset Einstellung des Steuersatzes INTEGRIERTE BREMSEN AEROBRAKE 2 24-25 Montage der AEROBRAKE 2 Bremse...
Página 196
. Einstellung der Bremse AEROBRAKE 2 . Auswechseln der Bremsbeläge AEROBRAKE 2 DIRECT-MOUNT-HINTERBREMSE LENKSYSTEM Montage des Lenkerbügels AEROFLAT-BAR Festschrauben der Extensions Einstellung der Lenkposition . Extensions des AEROFLAT BAR . Verlängerungen . Einstellung der Ellbogenauflage 32-37 . Montage des Winkeleinsatzkits (optional) HYDRATION UND STORAGE Flaschenhalter am Sattelrohr Flaschenhalter auf der Bridge...
Aerobrake 2 und die Sattelstütze Aeropost. Hinweis : - Dieser Rahmen von Look wurde für Radfahrer bis 100 kg (220,5 lbs) konzipiert und optimiert. Wenn Sie mehr als 85 kg wiegen, müssen Sie besonders achtsam sein und Ihr Rad häufiger untersuchen lassen (als Personen unter 85 kg), um eventuelle Risse, Deformationen, oder jegliches andere Anzeichen von Ermüdung oder Überlastung zu entdecken.
LEBENSDAUER - VERSCHLEISS - ERFORDERLICH INSPEKTION Die Lebensdauer der LOOK Komponenten ist abhängig von zahlreichen Faktoren, wie Größe des Fahrers und Fahrbedingungen. Stöße, Stürze, unsachgemäße Benutzung oder generell grobe Behandlung können die strukturelle Integrität der Komponenten beeinträchtigen und deren Lebensdauer erheblich verringern.
Look behält sich die Möglichkeit vor, die Produktspezifikationen im Hinblick auf eine Produktoptimierung ohne Vorankündigung zu ändern. Für die Montage von Zubehör empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich an einen zugelassenen Look- Händler zu wenden. VOLLSTÄNDIG INTEGRIERTE KABELFÜHRUNG BEIM 796 Hinweis : Ihr Rahmen ist für die integrierte Kabelführung vorbereitet:...
Bei der Demontage/Montage einen Tropfen mittelfestes Schraubensicherungsmittel auf jede Schraube geben. Konfiguration der mechanischen und elektrischen Verkabelung Das 796 MONOBLADE ist mit abnehmbaren Kabelanschlägen ausgestattet, was die Kompatibilität mit den mechanischen und elektrischen Schaltgruppen gewährleistet. Die Liste der kompatiblen Schaltgruppen erhalten Sie bei Ihrem Look-Händler.
Página 201
Date PART REFERENCE Checked by Date Abdeckung für abnehmba- Schaltkabeldurchführung ren Kabelanschlag Abnehmbare Elektrokabel- Nature of modification Resp Date Ind. Look-Aufkleber Material Treatment durchführung SCALE 5:1 Volume (mm3) Mass (g) ASSEMBLY PROTYPE REFERENCE SHEET A4 Drawn by Date PART REFERENCE...
Kabelanschläge“). Durchführung für Elektrokabel Ausgang der hinteren Strebe anbringen. Look-Aufkleber über die Abdeckung kleben. Für bessere Haftung Kontaktfläche vor dem Aufkleben reinigen und entfetten. Reinigen und entfetten Sie die Oberfläche für ein optimales Kleben. Verkabelung im Rahmen bei mechanischer Schaltung Abdeckung am waagrechten Rahmenrohr abnehmen.
Routage mécanique Verkabelung im Rahmen bei drahtloser elektrischer Schaltung (Typ SRAM eTap) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Festziehen der abnehmbaren Kabelanschläge Montage Abb. 5.1 Rahmen Haltefeder 1. Vergewissern sich, dass Kabelanschlag offen ist. 2. Legen Sie den Kabelanschlag in die Aussparung gegen die Rahmenwand aus Verbundstoff. Spannschraube 3. Ziehen Sie die Spannschraube mit 1 Nm Kabelanschlag an, bis der Anschlag fest in der Aussparung sitzt (Abb.
Kabelführung im AEROFLAT BAR Wichtig : Vor Beginn der innenliegenden Verkabelung im Lenkerbügel empfiehlt sich eine „Probemontage“, um die richtige Lenkposition zu ermitteln. Sie müssen insbesondere die Ausrichtung des Lenkers und die Länge der Verlängerungen festlegen (siehe „Lenksystem“). Außerdem müssen Sie vorher den unteren Teil des Vorbaus Aeroflat Stem montieren (siehe „Montage des Vorbaus - unterer Teil“).
Página 206
REFERENCE Angles : ±30' Dimension from 0 to 15 : ±0.15 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Dessiné par Date Surfaces finish : 80 grit sand blast Vérifié...
Schritt 4 bis 8 des vorherigen Abschnitts ausführen. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Bei ihrem 796 Monoblade ist der Verteiler SM-EW90-B (5 Ports) der Shimano Di2 integriert. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 209
Date P.BIGARD DESIGNATION REFERENCE All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Vérifié par Date purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
VORBAU AEROFLAT STEM Der Aeroflat Stem ist in 2 Längen erhältlich: 85 und 110 mm. Jeder Vorbau besteht aus einem unteren Teil, einer Abdeckung und einem Schraubenset. Wenn Sie ein 796 Monoblade-Rahmenkit gekauft haben, wurden Steuersatz und Gabel werkseitig bereits montiert, der Vorbau jedoch nicht. Stattdessen hält ein roter Plastikring die Gabel und den Steuersatz während des Transports an Ort und Stelle.
N° Bezeichnung Vorbau (unterer Teil) Vorbauabdeckung Lenkerbügelschraube Vorbauschrauben (8) – Anzugsdreh- moment 8 Nm mit 4 mm-Innensechs- kantschlüssel Roter Ring (anstelle des Vorbaus) Mutter M12 – Anzugsdrehmoment 55 Nm mit 18 mm-Sechskantstecknuss Montage des Vorbaus (unterer Teil) 1- Gabel festhalten, damit sie nicht herunterfällt, und die Mutter ②, mit der der Vorbau befestigt wird, mit einer 18 mm-Sechskantstecknuss lösen.
Schrauben vorne und hinten am Vorbau beginnen. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Lenkerbügel eingestellt werden muss. INTEGRIERTER STEUERSATZ LOOK AEROSET Der Steuersatz Look Aeroset hat einen automatischen Spielausgleich. So kann die für die Funktionsfähigkeit der Lager nötige Vorspannung ohne Gefahr der Beschädigung einwirken. Es gibt jedoch verschiedene Lösungen, mit denen eine unterschiedlich starke Vorspannung...
000 12961 S-E ACC JDD 796 ained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial n. All rights on this material are reserved. 2- Lockern Sie das Bremskabel vorne an der Bremszange und ziehen Sie die Außenhülle und den Bremsinnenzug aus dem Gabelschaft heraus (siehe „Aerobrake 2“).
5- Entfernen Sie das obere Lager ② , den Auflagering ②, die Feder ② und den Auflagering unten in der Aussparung ②. 6- Reinigen Sie alle Teile mit einem geeigneten Reinigungsmittel und einem weichen Tuch. Hinweis : Sie können den Steuersatz ausbauen, ohne die hintere Bremsaußenhülle aus dem Rahmen und dem Lenkerbügel herauszuziehen.
Wichtig : Wenn Ihre Lenkung weiterhin viel Spiel hat, obwohl der Ring mit der Aufschrift All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
MONTAGE DER AEROBRAKE 2 BREMSE 000 12969 Abb. 14 Resp Date Ind. Nature de la modification Matière Traitement ECHELLE 2:5 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Volume (mm3) Masse (g) 326148.04 381.34 FORMAT A4 AFR-CLM20 Dessiné par Date P.BIGARD 15/03/2016 DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 S-E AEROBRAKE 2 796...
Página 218
N° Bezeichnung N° Bezeichnung Hebelabdeckungen (2) Federn (2) Kabelklemmschraube und -platte Hebelachsen (2) Kabeldurchführung Zugstab Äußere Hebel (2) Umlenkrohr Führungsring (nicht schmieren) Stellschrauben für den Abstand des Bremsbelags (2) Flexibles vorderes Bremskabel Stellschrauben für die Vorspannung der Federn (2) Innere Hebel (2) ALLE IM FOLGENDEN BESCHRIEBENEN ARBEITSSCHRITTE MÜSSEN VON EINEM ZUGELASSENEN HÄNDLER AUSGEFÜHRT WERDEN Zur Montage der Bremsen benötigen Sie folgendes Werkzeug:...
Página 219
000 12969 Coupe_gaine_de_frein All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. 5- Bringen Sie eine zweite Anschlaghülse (wenn Ihre Außenhülle einen Liner hat, schneiden Sie...
Página 220
REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 ouverture_levier All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 221
Einstellung der AEROBRAKE 2 Bremse Wenn Sie breite Felgen benutzen (über 24 mm), entfernen Sie die Beilegscheiben zwischen dem Bremsschuh und den inneren Hebel. Einstellung der Bremsschuhe (3 mm-Innensechskantschlüssel, Abb. 20.1) :Drehung im Uhrzeigersinn: Der Abstand zwischen Bremsschuh und Felge wird größer. Drehung gegen den Uhrzeigersinn: Der Abstand zwischen Bremsschuh und Felge wird kleiner.
Date Coupe gaine frein arr All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Montage des AEROFLAT BAR Lenkerbügels Vor der endgültigen Montage des Lenkerbügels nehmen Sie bitte die gesamte oben...
Vérifié par Date 000 13763 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial COUPE Abb. 24 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Date Assemblage prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial die Gefahr, dass die Befestigungsbauteile irreparabel beschädigt werden. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Tipps für das Kürzen Das Kürzen ist eine heikle Sache. Einen einwandfreien Schnitt erhalten Sie, wenn Sie: - einen Rohrschneider verwenden, mit dem ein absolut rechtwinkliger Zuschnitt gewährleistet ist. - den Rohrschneider in einem Schraubstock einspannen und so ausrichten, dass der Schnitt vertikal erfolgt.
Página 226
REFERENCE Vérifié par Date POSITIONNEMENT REPOSES COUDES All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 227
Nomenclature accastillage Vérifié par Date Senkkopfschraube M 5X40 AEROFLAT BAR All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ECHELLE 1:1 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Masse (g) purpose is forbidden.
Página 228
Checked by Date prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature of modification...
Página 229
Date Eclaté serrage bridge All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature de la modification Matière...
FORMAT A4 Vérifié par Date All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ACT-001 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Fahrradtasche darf nicht zu lang sein und All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 233
000 12130 Nomenclature et Eclaté Sattelstützenkopfschrauben (2) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Aeropost ist das patentierte Konzept einer integrierten Sattelstütze von Look, die exklusiv für den Look-Rahmen 796 Monoblade entwickelt wurde. Bei dieser Sattelstütze ist die Gefahr des Verrutschens komplett ausgeschaltet, weil sie direkt auf dem Rahmen aufliegt. Wird sie ausgebaut, erhält man ein sehr handliches Rad, mit dem man gut reisen kann.
Montage eines Monolink®-Sattels auf dem Aeropost (mit dem optionalen Monolink®-Kit) 1- Monolink®-Sattel auf den Aeropost-Sattelstützenkopf setzen. 2- Die beiden oberen Flansche anlegen und die vorher gefettete Schraube eindrehen, aber nicht fest anziehen. 3- Die beiden unteren Flansche anlegen und die vorher gefettete Schraube eindrehen, aber nicht fest anziehen.
Öffnung mit einem Anzugsmoment von 3 bis 4 Nm wieder fest. 4- Kleben Sie anschließend die Elastomerdichtung in die Halterille zwischen Rahmen und Sattelstütze. Abb. 36 Hinweis : Bei den ersten Umdrehungen des Schraubenschlüssels können knackende Geräusche auftreten, die jedoch ganz normal sind, weil sich die Carbonfasern der Sattelstütze ausrichten.
Abb. 37 Hinweis : Die Millimetereinsätze müssen in einer bestimmten Richtung aufeinandergelegt werden: Der Pfeil zeigt nach vorne am Rad. Die Schrauben sind mit einer Schraubensicherung vorimprägniert. Auf keinen Fall fetten. Im Gegenteil: Nach mehreren Montage-/Demontagevorgängen noch einen Tropfen normales Schraubensicherungsmittel (z. B. Loctite Blue 243) auf das Gewinde geben. Kürzen der Sattelstütze Für Ihre individuelle Ausgangsposition muss die Sattelstütze gekürzt werden.
7 - Rohr mit einer Säge kürzen, die im Sägeschlitz angesetzt wird. Verwenden Sie eine spezielle Carbonsäge oder ersatzweise ein gebrauchtes Metallsägeblatt. 8 - Entfernen Sie den Rohrschneider und entgraten Sie das Rohr mit feinem Schleifpapier. Kontrollieren Sie, ob das Rohrende sauber und lackfrei ist. Abb.
DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date Réglage recul All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Gabeln beträgt fünf Jahre ab Kaufdatum gegen alle Herstellungsmängel oder Fehler. Für Anstrich, Verzierung, Lack und alle Finish-Artikel beträgt die Garantiezeit ein Jahr. LOOK gewährt über die Vertragshändler in dem Land, in dem das Produkt gekauft wurde, dem ersten Käufer oder Benutzer eine Garantie gegen alle Herstellungsmängel oder Fehler.
Página 241
Aktivitäten. Der Anspruch im Rahmen der begrenzten LOOK Garantie oder jegliche enthaltene Garantie beschränkt sich auf die Reparatur oder den Austausch, nach ausschließlichem Ermessen von LOOK, auf einen Teil oder das betreffende Produkt insgesamt. LOOK und seine Vertreter oder Händler können keinesfalls verantwortlich gemacht werden für direkte oder Folgeschäden, auch nicht in Regress genommen werden für den Transport oder Versand des...
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Verletzung unserer Rechte entgegenzutreten, und um Schadenersatz zu erlangen gemäß Festlegung in den Artikeln L613-3 bis L613-6, L615-14 und L716-9. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass gefälschte Produkte keinerlei Garantie von LOOK unterliegen, und bei Anwendung auf gefälschte Produkte den Ausschluss aller LOOK Garantien auf das entsprechende LOOK Produkt nach sich ziehen.
Página 243
15-16 AEROFLAT STEM-STUURPEN Montage van de stuurpen (ondergedeelte) 18-19 Montage van de stuurpen (bovengedeelte) MONOBLADE-VORK AEROSET-GEÏNTEGREERD BALHOOFD VAN LOOK Volledige demontage van het balhoofd Volledige montage van het aeroset-balhoofd Afstelling van het balhoofd GEÏNTEGREERDE AEROBRAKE 2-REMMEN 24-25 Montage van de AEROBRAKE 2-rem...
Página 244
. Afstelling van de AEROBRAKE 2-rem . Vervanging van AEROBRAKE 2-remblokjes DIRECT MOUNT-ACHTERREM COCKPIT Montage van het AEROFLAT BAR-stuur Vastzetten van de verlengstukken Plaatsing . Starters van de AEROFLAT BAR . Verlengstukken . Afstelling van de elleboogsteunen 32-37 . Montage van de kit hellingsspieën (kit optioneel) DRANK EN ETEN Drinkbushouder op de zadelbuis Drinkbushouder op de BRIDGE...
AEROPOST-zadelpen. Opmerking : - Dit LOOK-frame is ontworpen en geoptimaliseerd om te worden gebruikt door fietsers die niet meer dan 100 kg (220,5 pond) wegen. Als u meer dan 85 kg weegt, moet u er bijzonder goed op letten dat u uw fiets vaker laat nakijken (dan iemand die minder dan 85 kg weegt) om eventuele barsten, vervormingen of andere tekenen van vermoeidheid of belasting op te sporen.
LEVENSDUUR - SLIJTAGE - INSPECTIE VEREIST De levensduur van de LOOK-onderdelen is afhankelijk van veel factoren, zoals de lengte van de renner en de fietsomstandigheden. Stoten, valpartijen, onjuist of bruusk gebruik in het algemeen kunnen nadelig zijn voor de structurele integriteit van de onderdelen en hun levensduur aanzienlijk verkorten.
Lees voor u het product in gebruik neemt alle instructies aandachtig door en volg het advies dat wij u geven, zodat u ten volle kunt genieten van de troeven van dit hoogwaardige product. LOOK behoudt zich de mogelijkheid voor om de productspecificaties zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving te wijzigen om het product te verbeteren.
Configuratie van de geleiding van de mechanische / elektrische kabels De 796 MONOBLADE is uitgerust met losse kabeleindstukken. Zo is tegelijk compatibiliteit met de mechanische en elektrische groepen mogelijk. Zie uw LOOK-dealer voor de lijst van de compatibele groepen.
Página 249
Drawn by Date PART REFERENCE Checked by Date Kabelmanteldoorvoer Losse kabelstop derailleur Losse elektrische kabel- Nature of modification Resp Date Ind. LOOK-sticker Material Treatment doorvoer SCALE 5:1 Volume (mm3) Mass (g) ASSEMBLY PROTYPE REFERENCE SHEET A4 Drawn by Date PART REFERENCE...
(cf. kadertje VASTZETTEN LOSSE KABELEINDSTUKKEN) Plaats de elektrische kabeldoorvoer aan de uitgang van de achterbasis. Kleef de LOOK-sticker op de kap. Reinig en ontvet het oppervlak, zodat hij goed vastkleeft. Geleiding in het frame met een mechanische groep Verwijder de kap van de horizontale buis.
Geleiding in het frame met een draadloze elektronische groep (type SRAM eTap) All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Vastzetten van losse kabeleindstukken Montage Afb. 5.1 Frame Drukveer 1/ Controleer of het manteleindstuk in de open stand staat. 2/ Plaats het eindstuk in de daartoe voorziene uitsparing, tegen de composietwand van het frame. Draai spanschroef Spanschroef aandraaimoment van 1 Nm vast, totdat het Body van man- eindstuk volledig vastzit in de daartoe voorziene teleindstuk...
Kabelmantelgeleiding in de AEROFLAT BAR Belangrijk : Voor u begint met de geleiding in het stuur, voert u best een proefmontage uit. Zo bent u er zeker van dat u uw positie juist hebt bepaald. U moet meer bepaald het stuur richten en de lengte van uw verlengstukken bepalen.
Página 254
REFERENCE Angles : ±30' Dimension from 0 to 15 : ±0.15 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Dessiné par Date Surfaces finish : 80 grit sand blast Vérifié...
Volg punt 4 tot 8 van vorige paragraaf. All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Uw 796 MONOBLADE is uitgerust met een «Di2 Shimano SM-EW90-B»-verbindingsdoos (5 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 257
Date P.BIGARD DESIGNATION REFERENCE All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Vérifié par Date purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
AEROFLAT STEM-STUURPEN De AEROFLAT STEM-stuurpen is verkrijgbaar in 2 lengtes: 85mm en 110mm. Elke stuurpen bestaat uit een ondergedeelte, een kap en schroefwerk. Uw 796 MONOBLADE-framekit wordt in de fabriek gemonteerd met bijbehorend balhoofd en bijbehorende vork, maar zonder stuurpen. Op de plaats waar de stuurpen moet komen, zit een rode kunststof ring in de vorm van een stuurpen, zodat de stuurpen en de vork tijdens het transport op hun plaats blijven zitten.
Benaming Stuurpen (ondergedeelte) Stuurpenkap Bevestigingsschroef van het stuur Stuurpenschroef (x8) – Draai ze met een inbussleutel van 4mm met een aandraai- moment van 8Nm vast. Rode ring (nepstuurpen) Klemmoer M12 – Draai ze met een zes- kantdop van 18mm met een aandraaimo- ment van 55Nm vast.
Date met één schroef vooraan en één achteraan de stuurpen, die diagonaal ten opzichte van elkaar All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial liggen.
Opmerking :- Om het balhoofd op de vork te monteren is speciaal gereedschap nodig. Wij raden u aan om de hulp in te roepen van een erkend LOOK-dealer, als het balhoofd moet worden gedemonteerd of als het volledig en juist opnieuw op de vork moet worden gemonteerd.
000 12961 S-E ACC JDD 796 ained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial n. All rights on this material are reserved. 2- Maak de voorremkabel ter hoogte van de rembeugel los en verwijder de mantel en de kabel van de vorkas.
5- Verwijder het bovenlager ② de steunring② , de veer ② en de steunring onderlager ②. 6- Reinig alle onderdelen met een zachte doek en wat geschikt reinigingsmiddel. Opmerking : u kunt het balhoofd demonteren zonder dat u de achterremmantel uit het frame en het stuur haalt.
Free of cutting oil and oil residue All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
GEÏNTEGREERDE AEROBRAKE 2-REMMEN 000 12969 Afb. 14 Resp Date Ind. Nature de la modification Matière Traitement ECHELLE 2:5 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Volume (mm3) Masse (g) 326148.04 381.34 FORMAT A4 AFR-CLM20 Dessiné par Date P.BIGARD 15/03/2016 DESIGNATION REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 S-E AEROBRAKE 2 796...
Página 266
Soepele voorremkabel Schroef om de voorspanning op de veren af te stellen (x2) Binnenhendel (x2) ALLE INGREPEN HIERNA DIENEN DOOR EEN ERKEND LOOK-DEALER TE WORDEN UITGEVOERD Om de remmen te monteren hebt u volgend gereedschap nodig: • een set inbussleutels •...
000 12969 Coupe_gaine_de_frein All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. 5- Plaats een tweede manteleindstuk...
Página 268
REFERENCE Vérifié par Date 000 12969 ouverture_levier All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Afstelling van de AEROBRAKE 2-rem Als u brede velgen (> 24 mm) gebruikt, moet u de afstandsringen tussen de remblokhouders en de binnenhendels verwijderen. 1. Afstelling remblokhouder (inbussleutel van 3 mm, Afb. 20.1): draai met de klok mee: het remblokje verwijdert zich van de velg // draai tegen de klok in: het remblokje komt dichter bij de velg.
Date Coupe gaine frein arr All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Montage van het AEROFLAT BAR-stuur Vooraleer u het stuur definitief monteert, moet u de hiervoor beschreven geleiding volledig hebben uitgevoerd.
Vérifié par Date 000 13763 All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial COUPE Afb. 24 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Date Assemblage prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial dat de vastzetelementen onomkeerbaar beschadigd raken. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Aanbevelingen voor het afsnijden Afsnijden is moeilijk. Om een kwaliteitsvol resultaat te verkrijgen dient u: - een buissnijder te gebruiken. Zo bent u er zeker van dat de snede mooi haaks is. - de buissnijder stevig in een bankschroef vast te zetten en hem zo te richten dat hij verticaal snijdt.
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REFERENCE Vérifié par Date POSITIONNEMENT REPOSES COUDES All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Página 275
Vérifié par Date Schroef met gefreesde kop M5X40 AEROFLAT BAR All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ECHELLE 1:1 ENSEMBLE REFERENCE PROTO. Masse (g) purpose is forbidden.
Página 276
Checked by Date prolongateur All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial Spieën purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. Nature of modification...
Página 277
Eclaté serrage bridge van de te All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial gebruiken purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
FORMAT A4 Vérifié par Date All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial ACT-001 purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
Benaming BRIDGE Verlengsteun Hellingsspie (x2) Bevestigingsschroef CHC M5x16 ② op ② (x4) – Draai ze met een inbussleutel van 4mm met een aandraaimoment van 6Nm vast. Vierkante moer M5 voor schroeven ② (x4) Bevestigingsschroef bovenaan FHC M5 (x4) – Draai ze met inbussleutel van 3mm met een aandraaimoment van 4Nm vast Bevestigingsschroef onderaan FHC M5 (x4) –...
E_REHAUSSE_CARBONE_EN_X_avec_accessoires de derailleurmantel bij een mechanische All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved. montage niet afdekken.
Date 000 12130 (x2) Nomenclature et Eclaté All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
De AEROPOST is een «geïntegreerde zadelpen»-concept waarop LOOK een octrooi heeft en dat uitsluitend voor het frame van de LOOK 796 MONOBLADE is ontwikkeld. Deze zadelpen werkt alle risico’s op wegschuiven weg, aangezien ze rechtstreeks op het frame rust. Als u ze hebt gedemonteerd, neemt de fiets maar weinig plaats in, zodat u hem gemakkelijk overal mee naar toe kunt nemen.
Montage van een Monolink®-zadel op de AEROPOST (Monolink®-kit vereist, optioneel) 1- Presenteer het Monolink®-zadel op de zadelslede van de AEROPOST. 2- Breng de twee bovenbeugels dichter bij elkaar en draai de schroef (nadat u ze hebt ingesmeerd) aan maar niet helemaal vast. 3- Breng de twee onderbeugels dichter bij elkaar en draai de schroef (nadat u ze hebt ingesmeerd) aan maar niet helemaal vast.
aandraaimoment tussen 3 en 4Nm vast. 4- Druk het elastomeer afdekstuk vervolgens in de vasthoudgroef tussen het frame en de zadelpen. Afb. 36 Opmerking : Bij de eerste montage hoort u mogelijkerwijs gekraak. Dit is volledig normaal en heeft te maken met de carbonvezels van de zadelpen die zich op hun plaats zetten. Demontage Volg de stappen hiervoor in omgekeerde volgorde om uw AEROPOST te demonteren.
Afb. 37 Opmerking : De millimeterspieën② moeten in een bepaalde richting worden gestapeld: de pijl wijst naar het voorste deel van de fiets. De schroeven② zijn voorgeïmpregneerd met schroefborgmiddel. Ze mogen vooral niet worden ingesmeerd. Integendeel! Na enkele montages/demontages moet er opnieuw een druppel gewoon schroefborgmiddel (type blauwe Loctite 243) worden op aangebracht.
7 - Steek de zaag in de zaagspleet en zaag de buis af. Gebruik een speciale carbonzaag of bij ontstentenis daarvan een botte metaalzaag. 8 - Verwijder het zaaggereedschap en ontbraam het uiteinde van de buis met fijn schuurpapier. Controleer of het uiteinde van de buis schoon en vrij is van vernis. Afb.
KAN HEBBEN. Vérifié par Date Réglage recul All information contained on this drawing is property of LOOK CYCLE INTERNATIONAL. Its reproduction for any use in any way or for commercial purpose is forbidden. All rights on this material are reserved.
één jaar. Via zijn erkende distributeurs in het land waar het product werd aangeschaft, garandeert LOOK aan de oorspronkelijke koper of gebruiker het product tegen alle gebreken of fabricagefouten.
(indoorfietsen), springen, acrobatie, extreme fietssporten en soortgelijke activiteiten. De enige claim in het kader van de beperkte garantie van LOOK, of elke andere impliciete garantie, is beperkt tot de volledige of gedeeltelijke reparatie of vervanging van het betreffende product, naargelang de keuze van LOOK.
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L613-3 tot L613-6, L615-14 en L716-9. Het spreekt vanzelf dat de garanties van LOOK niet gelden voor namaakproducten. Daarnaast vervallen ook alle garanties van LOOK op een conform LOOK-product dat samen met namaakproducten wordt gebruikt.