Program the required measurement type [M. TYPE = "Max", "min", "M – m", "(M +
m)/2", "(M – m)/2"] and COM. MODE = "i/o dyn.", then exit the programming. In this
condition Quick Read still elaborates a static measurement.
To enable the dynamic measurement mode push the ESC/DYN key for two seconds
given by the footswitch) and the analog visualization disappears
Press the footswitch to start the acquisition and keep it pressed until you want to finish
the acquisition
START is displayed first, then the measuring value
Release the footswitch to stop the acquisition
STOP is displayed first, then the "frozen" measuring value
To reset the measurement and start a new acquisition press the footswitch
To exit the dynamic mode and return to the static mode push ESC
It i possible to exit the dynamic mode only after having finished the acquisition (STOP must
have been displayed).
B) With up to 4 Quick Read
Connect the footswitch I (code 6738099030) to the Quick Reads through the serial
cable D (code 6739696396).
Program for each Quick Read the required measurement type [M. TYPE = "Max",
"min", "M – m", "(M + m)/2", "(M – m)/2"] and COM. MODE = "i/o dyn.", then exit the
programming. In this condition Quick Read still elaborates a static measurement.
To enable the dynamic measurement mode push the ESC/DYN key for two seconds
on each Quick Read
DYNAMIC is displayed blinking (until the acquisition start command is given by
the footswitch) and the analog visualization disappears
Press the footswitch to start the acquisition and keep it pressed until you want to finish
the acquisition
START is displayed first on each Quick Read, then the measuring value
Release the footswitch to stop the acquisition
STOP is displayed first on each Quick Read, then the "frozen" measuring value
To reset the measurement and start a new acquisition press the footswitch
To exit the dynamic mode and return to the static mode push ESC
It i possible to exit the dynamic mode only after having finished the acquisition (STOP must
have been displayed).
The footswitch can also be used in conjunction with the external pushbutton box to command
dynamic acquisition. In such a case the Quick Read(s) shall be connected to the box.
Pushbutton box
The pushbutton box can be used to carry out in a remote mode following functions:
Remote zeroing
"hold" measuring mode
Dynamic measuring mode
Serial transmission of the measurement values to a PC
DYNAMIC is displayed blinking (until the acquisition start command is