Can the VS2 results be transmitted to my lab management software?
Most lab management software is compatible with Abaxis equipment. Check with your soft-
ware company to be certain.
Can I back up the results on my VS2?
No, but you can print out reference ranges and results, or transfer them for storage in your lab
management software.
Can patients other than equine, large animal, or avian use the Equine, Large Animal,
and Avian profiles?
No. Profiles and reference ranges are designed for the specific species indicated on the pack-
age label. Running samples of other species can provide inaccurate results because some ana-
lytes are species-specific. See the rotor package insert for more information.
My results do not match clinical observation. Does my VS2 need service?
If your results are extremely low, and would not seem to support life (for example, K+ < 1.5),
this is likely the result of too little sample. This prevents the rotor from distributing the sample
correctly, resulting in extremely low results for more than three chemistries. Rerun the sample
for accurate results.
General Information