Descriptions for the parameters:
file name
Splice Mode
Fiber Type
<2> The second screen in the "editing splice mode" menu:
©Copyright Abacanto Digital SA.
Title for a splice parameter file can be expressed in up
to 15 characters. The title is displayed in the [editing
splice parameter files] menu.
The splicer has four options of Splice Mode: Auto,
Calibrate, Normal, and Special, where in the first three
are common options.
A list of splice modes stored in the splicer database is
displayed. Upon inputting the appropriate mode, the
selected splice mode stored in database area is copied
to a selected splice mode in user-programmable area.
Sets the aligning method for the fibers.
"Core": Aligns fibers by core position.
"Clad": Aligns fibers by center position of the cladding
of the fiber.
"Manual": Aligns fibers manually.
Manual de usuario AD300
AD Instruments