<6> others:
Parameters of the menu options:
Auto Fiber Forward
Cleave Shape Error
©Copyright Abacanto Digital SA.
Y-axis images
X=>Y : Change from Y-axis enlarged image to X-axis
enlarged image during operation
Y=>X : Change from Y-axis enlarged image to X-axis
enlarged image during operation
"Edit Fusion Operation" screen IV
If "Auto Start" is set to "ON", the "Auto Fiber Forward" setting
are inactive, and splicing starts automatically as soon as the
wind protector is closed. If "Auto Start" is set to "OFF", then
there are two functions: if the setting of "Auto Fiber Forward" is
active, press
, the fiber forwards and splicing starts
automatically as soon as the wind protector is closed; if the
setting of "Auto Fiber Forward" is inactive, the fiber forwards
automatically as soon as the wind protector is closed;
, splicing starts automatically.
Error message is displayed if the cleaved end face of either left
or right fiber exceeds the selected threshold (cleave shape).
Manual de usuario AD300
AD Instruments