The knife main lever @ should start moving to the left when the reference line C on the needle bar ® is aligned with the
bottom of the needle bar lubrication cover ®.
1. Remove the four screws @, and then remove the motor belt cover @ and the auxiliary motor belt cover €).
2. Remove the V-belt O from the motor pulley.
3. Bleed the air, and then disconnect the air tubes from each cylinder.
4. While referring to page 13, disconnect the synchronizer cable and the solenoid harness and pull them out from the
top of the work table.
5. Remove the four bolts @ which are securing the machine head and the oil pan 6, and then remove the machine
head from the oil pan ©.
6. Move the machine head to a place where it is safe to work, and gently lay it down on its side.
7. Turn the machine pulley to stop the needle in the position where the needle tip goes first into the needle plate hole
and then comes out fully.
8. Press the solenoid lever @ so that the roller © of the knife main lever @ goes into the groove in the thread trimmer
cam ®.
9. In this condition, turn the machine pulley again to raise the needle bar (p.
Adjust so that knife main lever @ starts moving to the left when the reference line C on the needle bar ® is aligned
with the bottom of the needle bar lubrication cover (D as shown in the illustration.
10. Loosen the two set screws
® of the thread trimmer cam ( to adjust.
During adjustment, the thread trimmer cam ® should always be touching the edge of the set collar (B, and should
never be allowed to move to the left or right.
Furthermore, do not move the set collar ® to the left or right either.
If the thread trimmer cam ® or set collar ® move, it will change the tension release timing.
11. After adjusting, securely tighten the two set screws ®.
12. Place the machine head on top of the oil pan @, and then tighten it with the four bolts ©.
13. Connect the synchronizer cable and the solenoid harness to the motor. (Refer to page 13.)
14. Connect the air tubes to each of the cylinders. (Refer to page 15.)
15. Place the V-belt @ onto the motor pulley.
16. Install the motor belt cover @ and the auxiliary motor belt cover
& with the four screws @. (Refer to page 10.)
DB3-B775, B776