The following describes the adjustment procedure.
Cut four strips of photocopy paper to a width slightly narrower than the diameter
of the coin. Stack the four pieces of paper, and insert them together with a coin
into the coin slot.
Move the Coin Adjuster (L) toward the lower left direction so that it is just in
contact with the coin. (In the case of the Coin Adjuster (R), move it toward the
lower right).
Move the Coin Adjuster (L) to the right so that there is a gap as wide as one
sheet of paper on either side of the coin. (In the case of the Coin Adjuster (R),
move it to the left).
Photo copy paper (4 pieces)
After adjustment, ensure that the 2off cap screws (M4x6) and 1off button head
screw (M4x6) are fully tightened.
Insert at least 10 coins to make sure that they slide smoothly.
Cap screw (M4 x 6)
Coin adjuster (L)
Cap screw (M4 x 6)
Page 51
Button-head screw (M4 x 6)