Checking sensors and inputs/outputs
To check the correct function of all inputs/outputs, you can display the current analogue or
binary values. Device menu è Device info è Inputs/Outputs
Depending on the type of input, you can see up to two columns in the device info views for
Compensated: Display value calculated from the sensor reading using a suitable
compensation method and taking into account the corresponding calibration values.
This prevents distortions of readings that can be caused by factors (e.g. temperature)
or by signs of wear on the sensor (e.g. dirty electrode).
Uncompensated: Sensor reading (raw value of the measuring input, e.g. pH electrode
voltage) These sensor readings are subject to falsification by factors.
The display of uncompensated values is primarily for diagnostic purposes. The
compensated values are used for the actual measurement of analysis variables.
The following example considers the analysis inputs with a conductivity measurement
input and a pH measurement input. The device calculates the reading value
(compensated) from the raw measured data (uncompensated).
Fig. 29: Example view: IN 7 measures conductivity, IN 8 measures pH value, IN 9 not populated, IN 10 not populated
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